Clearwater Heart Therapy: Non-Invasive EECP® Therapy, FDA-Cleared for Angina Treatments, Averts Amputation & Restores Mobility to 67-year-old Heart Disease Patient

Clearwater heart therapy: LifeWorks Wellness Center offers heart disease patients a series of simple one-hour treatments, reversing 20 years of peripheral vascular disease, says Dr. David Minkoff

CLEARWATER, Fla. -- Clearwater heart therapy clinic LifeWorks Wellness Center ( has announced the availability of a clinically proven, non-invasive treatment for reversing symptoms of cardiovascular disease and FDA-cleared for angina treatments, called Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP®) therapy.

Clearwater heart therapy center's director, Dr. David Minkoff, said in less than 30 days the painless treatment was able to restore circulation and feeling to the leg of a 67-year-old heart disease patient suffering from peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Dr. Minkoff said the therapy, FDA-cleared for angina treatments, also produced "remarkable" increases in the patient's energy level, mobility and general health.

Clearwater heart therapy center's director, Dr. Minkoff, said that when the patient arrived at the center he had already undergone multiple invasive procedures and his prognosis was not good.

"He had three heart stents and one leg stent and could only walk about 20 feet, after which he experienced severe leg cramps," he said. "His right leg was basically numb, and his cardiologist said he feared the patient might have to have his leg amputated below the knee."

Dr. Minkoff of Clearwater heart therapy clinic, LifeWorks Wellness Center, said delivering EECP® therapy, FDA-cleared for angina treatments, to the patient consisted of having him recline on a comfortable padded table, then wrapping his legs and lower torso in cuffs similar to blood pressure cuffs which were inflated and deflated in time to the patient's own heartbeat, pumping extra blood throughout his arterial system and up into the heart muscles.

"The increased blood flow widened narrowed arteries and created a network of new collateral arteries which formed a 'natural bypass' around clogged arteries, allowing blood to reach oxygen-deprived tissues," said Dr. Minkoff.

Dr. Minkoff said that after the patient's fourth EECP® treatment, the patient's wife became alarmed when she came home to find him missing. After searching each room, she walked to the backyard and was shocked to find her husband pulling weeds in the garden.

"The patient told her that he was really feeling better and thought he could do some work around the house," said Dr. Minkoff.

Dr. Minkoff said that after a few weeks of additional therapy, the numbness in the patient's right leg had mostly gone away.

"He dropped his car off at an auto repair shop, but when his ride home didn't show up the patient decided to try walking -- and he walked two miles all the way to his house with no pain or other symptoms. He told me he hadn't walked that far in 20 years," said Dr. Minkoff.

"So, the patient is thrilled and I'm thrilled that such a simple treatment has reversed 20 years of peripheral vascular disease, eliminating the symptoms and improving his quality of life. It's just remarkable."

Dr. Minkoff said EECP® therapy has been cleared by the FDA for angina treatments and angina equivalent symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath, and for congestive heart failure. In nearly 80% of the cases where it has been applied, EECP® therapy has improved circulation and eliminated or reduced the symptoms associated with angina and heart failure for up to three years after treatment. EECP® therapy is covered by Medicare and most private insurers.

"EECP® therapy, FDA-cleared for angina treatments, gives heart patients new hope for ending chronic pain and fatigue while giving cardiologists an important clinical tool for improving the quality of life for patients unable to undergo or benefit from stenting or surgical procedures," said Dr. Minkoff.

Clearwater residents can get more information about this Clearwater heart therapy option, EECP® therapy, by visiting LifeWorks Wellness Center at 301 Turner Street, Clearwater, Florida, 33756, or calling 727-466-6789, or visiting

EECP® is a registered trademark of Vasomedical, Inc., Westbury, NY

Source: LifeWorks Wellness Center
Contact: Anja Majcen at 727.447.4992 x 202 / [email protected]

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Tags: angina treatments, clearwater heart therapy, eecp

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