Clipping Error Discusses Why Games Are Becoming An Art Form
Online, November 25, 2012 ( - Clipping Error, an online news publication for gaming reviews and previews, discusses why games developers are creating more games which are art forms as opposed to mindless forms of violent entertainment.
Games developers have always produced games as forms of entertainment for the masses. However, lately more games are being released which are more forms of art than they are forms of gaming entertainment. A prime example of this is the game 'Flower' which is renowned for the emotion it evokes within people while they play it.The game has also been used by churches in America, where members of the congregation are able play the game whilst others pray, evoking powerful feelings and visions.
Using games as a form of art began with the release of Okami on Sony PlayStation 2. The game was based on the life of the ancient Japanese sun god Ameratsu, who has been reborn in the body of a wolf. Together with a tiny companion, the pair bring life back to nature, showing a powerful link with how sun is vital to all things in nature. As the game progresses players were exposed to more gods created in the vision of the developer, who took the time to hand draw each character and scene for the game.
Since the release of Okami more games have been released which feature art as a prominent theme. Heavy Rain is probably one of the best known games made as a piece of art, in which players do as they feel and create a unique story with every playthrough. More games are currently in development which draw upon people's emotions in order to create something truly wonderful, such as Beyond: Two Souls.
Tags: Games, gaming, playstation, xBox