Cloud 21 launches new Facebook fan page design division

Cloud 21 has announced the official launch of its new design division for custom Facebook pages for celebrities, restaurants, musicians, retailers and non-profit organizations.

Cloud 21 CEO and founder, Gotham Chandna, is well known in the "Hollywood" social media publicity arena, with several years of experience in the field. His clients encompass a spectrum of worldwide talent, from actors and celebrity physicians to musicians, directors and comedy clubs.

The new Facebook division brings an added dimension to Cloud 21's already impressive repertoire. The programming behind the new operation is FBML, a programming language that allows for a more deeply integrated Facebook experience. It's vital to engage your Facebook audience immediately upon accessing your page. The new service can help establish your online branding and more fully engage users with customized experiences.

"It's important to engage the customer when he is on the Facebook page," said Chandna. "Walls are for amateurs when it comes to doing business."

Cloud 21's new service promotes interaction with Facebook audiences by providing continually fresh, interactive content. Fans will return to your Facebook page for the new and exciting experiences. They can listen, post and take action on topics that are important to them. Vibrant, living content creates dedicated fans.

Custom Facebook pages also have the advantage of targeting markets that might otherwise be overlooked. This is accomplished through social actions requiring clicks, brand exposure and target media plans. It's an effective means of building a fan base and enticing visitors to interact with one another. It's unsurpassed as a marketing tool, driving visitors to your site 24/7.

The service knows no boundaries. It allows customers to maintain a single site that's accessible across multiple countries and languages. Facebook is currently the largest and fastest growing communications medium in the world, but only 25 percent of the almost 500 million Facebook users are located in the United States. That leaves a vast, untapped global market that can easily be reached via customized Facebook pages.

It doesn't matter if your webpage is a technological wonder of engineering and design. If you don't have changing content that matters to users, they'll leave to visit a site that's more stimulating and exciting. Cloud 21 provides all that and more with their new design division, ensuring that your Facebook page receives the attention it deserves.

Cloud 21 PR is based in Los Angeles, CA with satellite locations in Atlanta, London, and Bombay, India. The company offers a variety of additional services, including social media marketing, public relations, publicity, event/special events planning and sponsorship and endorsements. Cloud 21 can also promote your red carpet events, product launches, celebrity booking and new artist development. The firm can also handle your crisis communication, as well as consumer, community, employee, investor and media relations.

For more information, call 323-432-6673 and ask for their Facebook special. You can also visit Cloud 21 PR's Facebook page at
or their IMDB page at


Tags: atlanta, celebrity, cloud 21 pr, clubs, facebook page design, india, London, los angeles, musician, publicity, restaurants

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Gotham Chandna
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Cloud 21 PR
8845 Lookout Mountain Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90046