Cloud Computing Webinar - "Security and Implementation Aspects of Cloud Computing"

Free Cloud Computing Webinar on "Security and Implementation Aspects of Cloud Computing" - Tuesday August 30th 2011 18:00 CET

Cloud computing is reshaping the way information technology is delivered and offering tremendous IT business benefits. In spite of the great promise of cloud computing, some enterprise organizations are still holding back from fully embracing cloud computing. For the majority of these enterprise organizations, it all boils down to one question:

Can I trust cloud computing?

In the Cloud Computing Webinar Series of Web2Present, our new upcoming cloud computing web-event will tackle exactly that and provide answers to:

- Who owns the Security problem?
- What Cloud Computing security aspects should you consider?
- What is the purpose of these cloud computing security aspects
(e.g. access to hybrid clouds) and which solutions are
- Will I still be in control of the cloud computing security
- How about Cloud data assurance and compliance?

In order to answer these questions and deliver the most flexible service stacks for users, Cloud Lifecycle Management is essential to support flexible underlying provisioning capability. This is accomplished by allocating not only physical resources and an operating system in the environment, but also provisioning and configuring network containers for multi-tenant support and middleware-layers and applications into the cloud service.

This can even layer compliance rules and monitoring tools into each service delivered, thus providing users with precisely the stack they require, while also maintaining the tight controls necessary to manage a complex IT environment. In this way, IT is not burdened with maintaining an enormous template library.

According to a set of factors intelligent placement of the cloud service is:

- The identity of the requestor
- The nature of the workload
- The capacity of different elements in the environment
- The applicable compliance policies
- The required service levels
- Organization-specific policies

Once provisioned, the cloud computing service enters its operational phase, where various companies´ solutions manage the normal day-to-day activities of performance and capacity management, as well as patching and configuration management.

Leading authorities such as The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) and solution providers such as Kinamik and Juniper will present, in an interactive session, details on Cloud Security, compliance and the ´Cloud Lifecycle Management´ by walking you through cases and examples.

Please join us for this insightful look into Security and Implementation aspects of Cloud Computing to help you extend and enhance your IT operations, while saving you time, cost, and headaches. We look forward to "seeing" you there!


Tags: Cloud Computing, security aspects, webinar

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