Cloudsoft Launches Professional Open Source Support For Jclouds

Cloud Innovator to Roll Out a Comprehensive Set of Services Designed to Accelerate Cloud Adoption

Cloudsoft Corporation, a leading provider of cloud computing software and services, today announced at The 451 Group's Hosting and Cloud Transformation Summit in Las Vegas their plans to offer professional open source support for jclouds, the open source multi-cloud library aimed at Java, Clojure and other JVM language developers. Working closely with jclouds Founder and recently appointed Chief Evangelist, Adrian Cole, the company has devised a comprehensive set of services designed to accelerate cloud adoption: cloud service provider onboarding and certification, cloud ISV certification, professional services and training.

Datasheet: jclouds - Professional Open Source Support and Services
Cloud service providers have one thing in common - they all want to grow their ecosystems and through this accelerate the adoption of their clouds. However with the emergence of multi-cloud, hybrid or otherwise, as the norm and with analysts predicting that PaaS will be worth more than IaaS within three years and three times as much as IaaS by the end of the decade they need to act fast.

"The fact is that jclouds is used extensively by companies that recognize the value of having highly portable compute and storage abstractions ensuring that they are not locked in while at the same time having the freedom to exploit provider-specific features when necessary," said Adrian Cole, Chief Evangelist, Cloudsoft. "Consequently it is in the interest of the cloud service providers to offer industrial strength jclouds support and Cloudsoft is ideally positioned to provide this through its service provider onboarding and certification programs."

Cloudsoft's onboarding program is a bespoke service tailored to the individual service provider ensuring that they can offer programmatic access to their cloud via a robust, tested jclouds integration. Once this is up and running service providers can then subscribe to Cloudsoft's continuous certification service ensuring ongoing jclouds conformance; and automatically alerting service providers to any performance, stability or coverage issues.

"As a service provider continuous certification is all about building customer confidence in your service offering," said Duncan Johnston-Watt, founder and CEO, Cloudsoft. "Onboarding is a critical first step but subscribing to our continuous certification program says you are serious about providing a quality product to your customers. Not only that but continuously certified service providers will also be entitled to significant marketing benefits leveraging their ongoing jclouds conformance."

Other services include ISV certification - providing extensive testing to certify an ISV's application against multiple clouds; highlighting intra-cloud differences that may affect customer experience; and ensuring jclouds offers the functionality they need.

According to The 451 Group open source is playing a role not only in the technology, but in the discussions, debates and overall evolution of cloud computing. Enterprises are prioritizing flexibility and portability, and open source represents both perceived and real mechanisms for providing it. Cloudsoft's continued advocacy of open source projects such as jclouds and Apache Whirr along with the provision of these professional open source support for jclouds reflects this new reality.

"Cloudsoft is with you for the journey," concluded Adrian Cole. "Whether you are a cloud ISV leveraging jclouds or a service provider offering jclouds support, Cloudsoft's professional services team will work with you to ensure that product and API upgrades are carefully planned, minimizing any disruption to your ecosystem."


Tags: Cloud Computing, jcloud, open source, software and services, The 451 Group’s Hosting and Cl

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