Cobwebs Technologies Joins the UN Global Compact Initiative

Cobwebs is committed to follow the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with an emphasis on strengthening the capacity of relevant national institutions to prevent violence and combat terrorism and crime while respecting human rights

Web Investigation Software

Cobwebs Technologies has officially joined the UN Global Compact Initiative, adopting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) principles. The United Nations' Global Compact is the world's most influencing initiative to encourage responsible and sustainable corporate governance. Cobwebs Technologies is committed to following seventeen guidelines concerning human rights, labor standards, and environmental protection. The SDG initiative aims to strategically anchor sustainability across the corporate set of values.

In particular, Cobwebs prioritizes Goal 16: Promote Peaceful and Inclusive Societies for Sustainable Development, Provide Access to Justice for All, and Built Effective, Accountable, and Inclusive Institutions at All Levels. It is Cobwebs Technologies' main mission to provide intelligence-enhanced security for a safer world by supporting anti-terrorism and terror financing, cybercrime, drug trafficking, and money laundering investigations worldwide. Cobwebs offers free seminars and webinars accessible to individuals and organizations to learn e.g., how to combat human trafficking on the dark web. Other SDGs prioritized by Cobwebs, include Goal 3: Health, Goal 5: Equality, Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, and Goal 13: Environment.

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"After we successfully completed the certification processes, we are proud and excited to call ourselves a partner in this global movement of companies promoting sustainable development, striving to create a better world today and for many future generations to come," states Udi Levy, Co-Founder & CEO of Cobwebs Technologies. "As a global leader in developing and implementing AI-powered Web Intelligence (WEBINT) solutions, transparency, accountability, and respecting human rights is very important to us. We strongly recommend and urge all technology companies in our sector and beyond to strengthen and bolster the global reputation of technology firms and to follow the UN's SDGs."

Joining the UN Global Compact Initiative is a major milestone for Cobwebs Technologies as a global company, making it part of a worldwide initiative with over 15,000 participating companies from nearly 170 countries. In line with the UNGC's principles, Cobwebs has taken specific action to comply with the SDGs. For example, Cobwebs provides financial institutions with products to strengthen their automated and enhanced due diligence and anti-money-laundering practices. Furthermore, the company conducts webinars for security agencies and public safety related to operational security and protection from data breaches (Goal 16). Cobwebs has also put measures in place to ensure the health and safety of her employees worldwide by supporting WFH and implementing strict office hygiene policies (Goal 3). On the business side, its monitoring tool with predictive abilities enables governmental authorities worldwide to develop models of potential spreads, identify hotspots, and support policymaking to curb the pandemic. Cobwebs has also Integrated climate change measures (Goal 13), such as minimizing its negative environmental impact by moving its software solutions to secure cloud operations.

Source: Cobwebs Technologies


Tags: osint, web intelligence, web investigations, webint

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