Collaboration Trends, 2012-13 - Impact Of Collaboration Technology On Enterprise Productivity

This research report - based on a survey of over 150 IT influencers and decision makers from across India - captures the impact of collaboration technologies on enterprise productivity.

- While productivity improvement remains the top objective for collaboration infrastructure, cost reduction will be the popular next move
- Mobile email is believed to have the maximum impact on productivity across all size companies
- While large & mid-size companies prefer a combination of virtualisation and open source software to manage costs, smaller companies prefer a combination of SAS and open-source software

The Collaboration Trends Survey Report 2012-2013 by ValueNotes is based on a survey of over 150 key information technology influencers and decision makers across 10 industry segments who participated in Collaboration Retreat 2012 organised by Mithi Software Technolgies. The report covers the preferences of management for collaboration technologies that impact enterprise productivity; explores the methods enterprises are deploying to manage costs; and lists key collaboration insights across the industry, from SMEs to large enterprises.

Arun Jethmalani, Managing Director of ValueNotes, said, "Currently, collaboration technologies are being widely deployed to not just reduce operational costs, but also to boost productivity. Clearly the use of collaboration infrastructure will continue to grow, especially in light of the present state of the global economy."

Overall, productivity improvement remains the top objective for collaboration infrastructure. Providing mobile email is believed to have the maximum impact on productivity. Companies, across all sizes and all levels of management, believe this will have the maximum impact on productivity.

Cost reduction will be the popular next move. Though large and mid-size companies have a long-term objective of increasing productivity, their immediate next step on collaboration infrastructure is cost reduction and improving security.

Next Initiatives on collaboration infrastructure
Tarun Malaviya, CEO of Mithi Software Technologies, pointed out that, "Enterprises now consider collaboration technologies to be one of the key drivers of productivity and sustainability. And as collaboration becomes more important to more people in the enterprise, managing costs, complexity and risks associated with it is becoming even more important."

While larger and mid-size companies believe that a combination of virtualisation and open source software is the most effective way to manage costs, smaller companies would rely more on open source software to reduce cost.

The report "Impact of collaboration on enterprise productivity, 2012-2013" can be downloaded at

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Tags: 2012-13, collaboration infrastructure, Collaboration technology, enterprise productivity, mobile email, open source software, OSS, survey, ValueNotes

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