College Cost Reduction Book Reveals Truth About Link Between College Selection And Career Success
Online, October 25, 2011 ( - A debate that has been discussed for years pertains to the future of college graduates in the United States. After graduating from a well-known college, individuals automatically assume that they will land their dream jobs in their dream companies. Believing so, parents prefer Ivy League schools over state and private colleges. consists of a team of advisors that assist families who want to send their kids to college without going broke. The website features College Aid for Middle Class America, a book that offers the step-by-step system to college cost reduction, discusses the costs of paying for college, and lets readers in on useful tips to acquiring college grants to ease the skyrocketing costs.
Authored by Ryan Clark, MBA, CCPS, College Aid for Middle Class America lists some of the "foolish things" that families do or do not do that cost them thousands of dollars. In particular, the book talks about a mistake that families or college individuals commit: believing that a degree from a so-called "prestigious college" will always enhance learning or guarantee a better career.
"I believe that just because a student is trained at the country's top university does not guarantee a successful career. A college graduate's job and future earnings are unrelated to the selectivity of the college he or she attended. Your child's own motivation, ambition, and talents will determine his or her success and not where he or she will receive his or her degree. A good student can get a good education almost anywhere," states Mr. Clark.
According to the book, the name on the diploma might get a college graduate in the door for an initial interview; but it will not increase one's chances of long-term success in work or in life. The website underscores that employment record will count more than where the attended college. Moreover, any hiring decisions will be based upon performance, evaluations, and references.
College Aid for Middle Class America reveals that the majority of the CEOs and presidents of the biggest corporations did not attend an Ivy League school, but instead qent to lesser-known private colleges and state schools. These industry movers and shakers include real estate mogul Donald Trump, media magnate Oprah, and big-time investor Warren Buffett.
College Aid for Middle Class America mentions the book titled "Harvard Schmarvard: Getting Beyond the Ivy League to the College That is Best for You", which features a 12-step process to free parents from "Ivyholism" - the belief by parents that big name schools make a difference in a child's future.
Parents sending their kids to college should visit and discover useful advice and relevant insights about career selection after college.
Tags: acquiring college grants, college cost reduction, paying for college