Columbia to Host the Missouri location for the International Rally to Fight For Survival of Horses and Burros
Columbia, MO, April 24, 2015 ( - The International Rally to Fight for Survival of Horses and Burros will be held on Saturday, April 25th, from 12 noon-3:00 p.m. in Speaker’s Circle at the intersection of S. 9th St. and Conley Ave. on the University of Missouri campus.
Right now there are more wild horses and burros in Bureau of Land Management holding facilities than we have left out on U.S. ranges. This was not the intent of the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro act, which has been watered down by the Burns Amendment.
"It's a little-known fact that the majority of our public lands are being leased to ranchers to graze cattle and sheep at about 1/10th of the going rate to lease private land. As a result, our wild horses and burros are being pushed off the land that is rightfully theirs," says Diana Kline, organizer of the Rally in Missouri. "It's time for this to stop."
Diana Kline, Missouri Rally Organizer
A new Federal bill to end horse slaughter has been introduced by Representative Frank C. Guinta (R-NH) H.R. 1942 on April 22, 2015. We are encouraging everyone to contact their U.S. Representative to pass H.B. 1942 and to also contact your U.S. Senators and Representative to ask them to repeal the Burns Amendment to the 1971 WFRH&B act.
"It's a little-known fact that the majority of our public lands are being leased to ranchers to graze cattle and sheep at about 1/10th of the going rate to lease private land. As a result, our wild horses and burros are being pushed off the land that is rightfully theirs," says Diana Kline, organizer of the Rally in Missouri. "It's time for this to stop."
The plight of our nations wild horses and burros will be discussed, as well as the new legislation to ban horse slaughter. Handouts, petitions, snacks and drinks will also be available. The event is free and open to the public.
Contact: Diana Kline, cell: 816/772-4569
Tags: BLM, Bureau of Land Management, Environment, Horse Slaughter, Missouri, Nature, Public Lands, Wild Burro, Wild Horse