Comedian Muffy Performs for Inmates

Comedian Muffy performed for 600 inmates and staff on Dec. 27, 2018 at The Iowa Correctional Institution for Women.
Comedian Muffy performs for inmates.

Comedian Muffy aka Laura J. Steele performed for 600 incarcerated women and staff on Dec. 27, 2018, at The Iowa Correctional Institution for Women a medium/minimum security prison located 25 miles east of Des Moines, IA in Mitchellville, IA for 600 inmates and staff. Muffy did three one-hour performances.

Comedian Muffy’s (aka Laura J. Steele), performance is based on her book, 26 Life Lessons: Advise For Today’s Youth and Adults. She gave each incarcerated person a copy of her book after each show. To watch videos of some of her performance and video testimony from the warden and inmates, please visit her website  

Comedian Muffy lives in New Jersey but she is originally from Minnesota and Colorado. She has been working with prisons across the United States to schedule performances. She will perform clean comedy in any U.S. women’s or men’s prison. If you work in Corrections and you are interested in having her perform please call her at 908-875-0036 or email address: [email protected].


Tags: comedian, comedian Muffy, corrections, inmates, inspirational, inspirational speaking, jails, motivation, motivational, public speaking, speaking, stand up comedy, warden

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Comedian Muffy performs inspirational comedy