Community4you Intensifies Cooperation Relationship In Latin America And Provides Expert Fleet Management For ATU

Modern and flexible ERP software products from Chemnitz, Germany, support the booming Latin American market in the professional management of its fleet operations.

The Argentinean company ABC Latinoamerica s.r.l. - specialized in consulting services in fleet management - successfully works with comm.fleet since the beginning of this year and - within a partnership with community4you GmbH - distributes the comm.fleet product line from its headquarters in Buenos Aires, consisting of the following with each other compatible systems:

- comm.fleet for fleet management,
- comm. lease for lease management,
- comm.object for object management and
- comm.gps for vehicle and object tracking.

The comm.fleet product line is perfectly prepared for the Latin American market. The sophisticated software systems are not only available in all major languages including Spanish and Portuguese but they are also capable of integrating multiple currencies and tax-rates. This provides companies of all sizes with the possibility to administrate their fleet, leasing or object management across countries.

ABC Latinoamerica s.r.l., which currently offers the comm.fleet product line in Argentina is planning to bring the software to the markets Chile and Brazil as well as to other Mercosur countries, comments Mr. Jäkel, managing director of ABC and partner of community4you GmbH.

With regard to marketing challenges such as the distribution of the comm.fleet product line, or the expert on-site first and second level support, the company ABC Latinoamerica is an attractive partner for community4you GmbH, especially due to their strong experience in the automotive consulting and fleet management as well as their detailed knowledge of the trading centers and market characteristics in Latin America.

The market leader in the German automotive service, the company AUTO-PARTS-UNGER (ATU) decided to use a product of community4you - comm.fleet, the fleet management software.

ATU combines the concept of a specialized car dealership with an integrated master workshop. Since its foundation in 1985, the company expands at a phenomenal rate. Each of the approximately 650 ATU-stores in Europe is supplied once a week by its own company truck fleet. In order to address these logistical challenges ATU opted for the innovative ERP product comm.fleet. The company uses the fleet management software for the effective management of its vehicles. comm.fleet is an intuitive, modular and modern fleet management software, with which the company's entire fleet of vehicles and objects, irrespective of type and size can be optimally managed.

The use of comm.fleet in its complexity gives us the opportunity in our company, in addition to a transparent cost control, to efficiently detect high savings in fleet costs, says Mr. Symanzik, Certified Fleet Manager at ATU.

comm.fleet - Fleet Management Software:


Tags: comm.fleet, community4you, fleet management, leasing management, object management

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