Company Invents "Right Now'' Advertising For Young Adults

In a market where 20- and 30-somethings pay ever decreasing heed to the broadcast and print media, a revolutionary new model allows the bar and restaurant industry to reach this important consumer demographic through cell phones and social networking (YAC) has invented a new model to grab the attention of young adults through the two fastest growing media channels; the ones that are most personal to these consumers, their cell phones and laptops.

The targeted ads reach a network of more than 800,000 -- and growing -- on sites like, and an unlimited number of cell phone users who read 94% of their text messages.

YAC's "Right Now'' marketing product is know as swifting -- a unique combination of technologies deployed simultaneously, including widget driven messaging and SMS or text messaging. SMS text messaging is the most widely used data application on the planet, with 2.4 billion active users, or 74% of all mobile phone subscribers sending and receiving text messages on their phones

Messages can be sent instantly through an extremely user-friendly entertainment website that allows real-time adjustments to content and reach. The low-cost service pays for itself with as few as six additional patrons a month.

An establishment can put out advanced notice about upcoming events - a DJ, live band, special event or reduced prices -- or create instant VIP price specials to gain business "Right Now.''

Example: On a slow night a bar owner, manager or employee sends a message offering half-priced food, free admission or drink specials to core customers via cell phone, as well as to online profiles with a potential viewership of millions.

YAC custom designs the widgets - display ads that can be sent to social network profiles through a simple e-mail or comment posting. The text messages are sent only to eager customers who have signed up for the cell phone service - with the promotional help of YAC.

The technology can be applied to any industry.
"Twenty years ago, if advertisers could have combined TV, Radio and Newspaper ads, then given their customer the keys to the station, they would have effectively done what YAC is doing with the most important media today,'' said YAC CEO Steve Hummel. "Never before has an advertising customer been able to distribute thousands of messages directly to their chosen audience instantly."

Steven J Hummel Wendye Hathaway
[email protected] [email protected]
877.244.7751 616-855-6421

The Package

In addition to the cell phone and social networking marketing services, offers a complete promotional package.

Businesses also get the following

• Digital Marketing Dashboard (Instantly & Simultaneously update your Website, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube, Blogger, Yelp, Dynamic Widget Ads, and send Digital Coupons by email & text messaging!)
• Custom Designed Website with URL and FREE hosting (Includes Shopping Cart)
• Email Set-up and Marketing
• 3 Custom Designed Dynamic Widget Ads
• 1,000 Custom Designed Buzz Cards
• Custom Keyword
• Custom Design for Any/All Social Media Profiles (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube, Blogger & Yelp Profiles/Pages)
• 4 Digital Coupons per Week
• Dedicated Client Services Specialist
• One-on-One Client Marketing Training & Support
• 24-Hour Technical Support


Tags: advertising, digital marketing, email marketing, marketing, small business, sms text messaging, social media, Web design

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