Company Offers Healthy Alternative to Energy Drinks
Online, September 24, 2009 ( - Energy drinks are now one of the nations most popular beverages, yet few offer more than a quick caffeine rush that ultimately fails and crashes the consumer. One company has their sites set on changing the idea behind energy drinks from one of short bursts of caffeinated energy to one of ongoing energy supplemented by advanced cellular technology which aims to feed your body to increase your energy. The drink, also known as A.C.T. Energy includes vitamins, minerals, extracts, herbs, fruit and amino acids cleverly combined to create an energy drink that is free of artificial sweeteners and preservatives.
"Caffeine enters your body and begins to break down. It is water soluble which means the longer it is in your system, the more it breaks down until eventually it is gone. A.C.T. Energy includes Guarana seeds which are not water soluble and contains a powerful natural supplement that compares to caffeine in the energy results, but doesn't cause you to crash after you consume it," stated J. Carpenter.
A.C.T Energy launched in 2008 as one energy drink and has grown to include several options including grab-and-go-cans, on-the-go packets, berry bars and more which allow users to take the product with them on the road, to the gym or pack it in their backpacks when they are hiking. Mr. Carpenter continued on to say, "There is no place you can go that you won't need A.C.T. Energy Drink or Bars. Most of the consumers of our products have them on hand in order to be able to get a needed burst of energy without having to grab a caffeinated drink that is going to cause them to crash within a few hours. With A.C.T. Energy Drink you know that it is healthy enough to use on a daily basis, but is also your secret weapon when you need to be able to go that extra mile."
A.C.T. Energy Drinks is slated to become one of the countries leading energy drinks in an industry which sells to millions of users each day.
For more information on A.C.T. Energy Drinks check out
Tags: additional income, artificial sweeteners, beverage industry, Body Trim, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, caffeine, energy drink, Goldman Sachs, Grab-and-Go Cans, healthy choice, HOME BUSINESS, immune system, increase cash, independent business owner, make money, manage, marketing, nutritional drink, on-the-go packets, relationship marketing, Super Shots, vitamin d