Compass to Care Childhood Cancer Foundation Launches New Website Designed by EPIC

New website created by volunteers takes visitors on journey through childhood cancer travel challenges.

Compass to Care Childhood Cancer Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of its new website (, created by a team of volunteers from the Chicago nonprofit EPIC. The new site engages visitors in the foundation, which schedules and pays for the travel arrangements families require to obtain the best cancer care for their children, through interactive features and compelling, illustrated storytelling.

"As Compass to Care continues to grow, we rely on the generosity of our donors and supporters," says Michelle M. Ernsdorff, Founder/CEO, Compass to Care. "So the new site takes them on an engaging journey through the lives of our children, the challenges the families face and the impact their support has on their lives."

The website tells Compass to Care's complete story, presenting information about the application process, upcoming events and special projects, which visitors can share via social media. The site also includes innovative features to engage donors and partners in an emotionally resonant way, demonstrating how their support helps children with cancer.

Abbie's Story: The EPIC team created a fictional story about a little girl, Abbie, who has cancer. The narrative illustrations walk visitors through Abbie's experience, every step of the way, as she and her family use the services that Compass to Care provides.

Compass to Care Kids: A graphic representation of the travel expenses incurred over the course of a family's relationship with Compass to Care gives supporters a sense of exactly how their generosity benefits children with cancer.

EPIC, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, pairs teams of talented creative professionals from the advertising and design industries with social service nonprofits. Working on a pro-bono basis, each team creates the kind of strategic, creative marketing their nonprofit client needs to thrive. Compass to Care's team included David Handschuh, Vikram Agadi, Kelly Butler, Kurt Cruse, Alexis Finch, Nick Lacke, Kellyn Mitchell, Wade Niday, Ciara Panacchia and Chris Roeleveld.

"We feel so honored to have been chosen by EPIC and paired with such a talented, dedicated team," says Ernsdorff. "They've given us an online presence that reflects the compassion and hope we have for all children with cancer and their families. It's more than we could have dreamed."

"Compass to Care has a huge heart and mission, which is exactly the kind of organization we were founded to help," says Erin Huizenga, Founder/Executive Director, EPIC. "We're thrilled that the site will help Compass to Care promote its important work to the world. It also reflects what EPIC's all about: Creative people using their talent to further socially important causes."

Compass to Care, The Mike & Sandy Ernsdorff Childhood Cancer Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization dedicated to scheduling and paying for the travel arrangements families require to seek the best cancer care for their children.

EPIC, a Chicago-based, 501(c)(3) nonprofit, empowers the creative industry to use its resources to effect social change. Through its eight-week "creative rallies," EPIC pairs teams of gifted professionals in marketing and design with nonprofit clients whose missions deserve and need effective, creative pro-bono marketing.

Michelle M. Ernsdorff
Phone: (312) 515-9490
Email: [email protected]

Tiffany Meyers
Phone: (917) 741-6750
Email: [email protected]


Tags: Charity, chicago charity, childhood cancer, compass to care, EPIC, kids with cancer, Nonprofit, travel for cancer, volunteer

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