Comprehensive Cancer Centers Of Nevada Teach The Public Innovative Facts About Skin Cancer Defense Via KNPR

Facts from skilled professionals on skin cancer prevention, detection and treatment centers.

The concept of skin cancer prevention should not be taken lightly, especially when you live in the desert. When temperatures can easily hit the 120-degree mark, you need to be extra cautious of sun exposure, dark spots and moles. Sure, your tan looks great now, but what type of long-term damage are those rays causing? How can you prevent skin cancer, but still sport a healthy glow yearlong?

Sunscreen is not the only way to protect your body from harsh ways. Consider this unique option: now, there is special clothing on the market that can help guard your skin as well. The clothing is referred to as UPF clothing. The UPF clothing spans from headwear to shirts, shorts and even umbrellas! Although sunscreen should always be worn, the clothes will pair perfectly for those that are extra sensitive to UV rays such as young children and the elderly. Additionally, consider rules of protection when purchasing these items such as if you want to buy headwear make sure your hat of choice is made with a two inch brim or larger for ultimate protection!

Dr. Wolf Samlowski, Medical Oncologist and Skin Care Specialist at Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada (CCCN) was featured along with Nneka Leiba, the Senior Analyst from the Environmental Working Group as well as Tom McCoy, the State Director of Government Relations in June on KNPR, Nevada's public radio. Their goal was to educate the public on innovative ways to protect their skin during the summer months. They also wanted to teach the public how to identify questionable moles and growths on the skin. In the state of Nevada, skin cancer is the 6th leading cause of cancer deaths, which is why it is so important to take the right safety measures. As proclaimed by Dr. Samlowski, "Ninety percent of melanomas detected on the skin are removable and curable. Be aware of A-symmetrical moles, moles with irregular borders and spots on the skin that constantly change." Knowing your body is one of the best ways to spot questionable growths so they can be cured effectively and rapidly.

For more information on skin cancer treatment in Las Vegas as well as insightful prevention methods, visit or call (702) 952-3400.


Tags: skin cancer, skin cancer in Las Vegas, skin cancer treatment in Las Veg

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