Connecticut Community Care, Inc. President Named a Remarkable Woman in Business

Molly Rees Gavin, president of Connecticut Community Care, Inc. (CCCI), was named one of eight remarkable women in business by the Hartford Business Journal (HBJ) in their Women in Business 2011 supplement.

Molly Rees Gavin, president of Connecticut Community Care, Inc. (CCCI), was named one of eight remarkable women in business by the Hartford Business Journal (HBJ) in their Women in Business 2011 supplement today. Rees Gavin will receive her award on Thursday, May 5, 2011 at the Annual Women in Business Luncheon presented by the HBJ and being held at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford.

Rees Gavin was nominated for the Women in Business award for her leadership, contribution, impact, innovativeness and executive excellence. "Molly is characterized by an absence of arrogance and pretense. Her strength is that she tells the unembellished truth, whether to her staff, network of providers, government agencies, legislators, or the media," said Jane Weber Brubaker, marketing manager at CCCI, who nominated Gavin.

Rees Gavin began with CCCI in 1976 when it was a national demonstration project designed to keep people in their homes rather than being admitted prematurely into a skilled nursing facility. The successful project led to Connecticut Community Care's incorporation in 1980. CCCI is now the largest of three access agencies administering the Connecticut Home Care Programs for the Department of Social Services, serving more than 9,000 clients at any given time.

Rees Gavin, a social worker by background prior to becoming CCCI's president in 1995, understands the importance of community in an individual's life. Mirroring her philosophy of customer first, CCCI is focused on keeping its clients and consumers in the center of all the decisions about their care and services.

As the successful forward-thinking president of an extremely successful non-profit business that identifies choices and provides services to help people of all ages, abilities and incomes in 124 towns throughout Connecticut, Rees Gavin leads by example proving she really is one remarkable woman.

The Hartford Business Journal has honored eight of the region's most talented women from Central Connecticut for the past eight years. Winners are nominated by readers and chosen by a panel of independent judges. This year's judges were: Nancy Bernstein, president of Women's Heath Connecticut in Avon; Mary Ellen Dombrowski, president of the Glastonbury Chamber of Commerce; and Jennifer Smith Turner, CEO of Girl Scouts of Connecticut.

"The honorees demonstrate a business savvy, a confidence in themselves and their organizations, and a strong track record of success in the business world. We are pleased that again this years the winners' careers span industries, manufacturing, marketing, healthcare, social services, insurance and financial services, stated Gail Lebert, Publisher, Hartford Business Journal.

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Tags: CCCI, CHCP, Connecticut Home Care Program, disabilities, elders, Hartford Business Journal, MFP, Money Follows the Person, seniors, Women in Business 2011

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Ursula Daiber
Press Contact, Connecticut Community Care, Inc.
Connecticut Community Care, Inc.
43 Enterprise Drive
Bristol, CT 06010
United States