Connie Brown, Expert on Identity Theft, Warns of the Risk of Children's Identity Theft this Summer Break

Connie Brown, an expert on Identity Theft, advises parents, daycares, and churches to add an important item to this summer's To-Do list: "Protect children's identity!"

Dallas, TX - As the summer break approaches, many parents are planning out a way to manage their work-life balance during their children's summer vacation from school. The summer's To-Do list may include activities such as camp, vacation bible school, and trips to the daycare. But many parents fail to realize how much risk these activities place on their children's identity.

According to the Federal Trade Commission, "over 20,000 children and teenagers were victims of identity theft in 2008." "If families are willing to learn and are open, there are ways of dealing with this problem," says Connie Brown, an expert on identity theft currently assisting families with identity theft concerns through Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.

"Identity theft does not discriminate," says Brown. Although identity theft is usually framed as a problem involving the theft of adult's identities; it is equally as problematic is identity theft involving innocent children. Children can be prime targets because of their clean credit histories and perpetrators mostly get away with the crime because it's rare for parents to inquire about their children's credit reports. "Parents need to know that they can safeguard against identity theft before their child gets to the age of 18, and it's a benefit to our society for everyone to learn more about Identity Theft, also, there are several areas of Identity Theft and it's not just financial," Brown said.

Keeping children's information private in the midst of registrations for summer activities - some online, some offline - can be tough. Parents, schools, churches, and daycares need to be well informed. A good first step can be to seek the counsel of an expert on identity theft.

About Connie Brown:
Connie is an independent associate with Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc and Kroll; the world's leading risk consulting company in the world. Her areas of expertise are in identity theft protection, family legal services plans, Group Benefits and Small Business plans. She enjoys helping and educating people and you can visit her at or to schedule a consultation call (817) 300-3937.

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Tags: Child, child identity theft, church, Daycare, family, identity theft, kroll, pre-paid legal, schools

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