Contactless Fitting Will Save Us From a Bad Buy

Contactless footwear fitting system from Imigize

Mobile app Imiscan

Last year in October, Imigize Group developers presented a proprietary solution - a contactless footwear fitting system that chooses individually for each customer item from online stores with accuracy up to 1mm.

Imigize system compares footwear inner volume measurements with a customer's 3D model of their feet, which they can get by using the Imiscan mobile app (beta testing stage) or stationary scanners.

Imigize is a revolution in the world of online retail. We have developed a software that will transfer most of the footwear trade to the Internet. No more disappointments and returns, because Imigize will take care so your purchased shoes fit perfectly.

Valery Chernik, Imigize Development Group, CEO

After taking photos via the app, the system shows an ID code that has more than 20 anthropometric parameters of each foot, including the length and width of the lift height, the fingers arrangement, heel structure, etc. After the ID code is inserted in the special field of the partners' online stores, all the products will be sorted according to the level of "fitting degree" in percent, so each customer can evaluate the level of shoe comfort on the stage of choosing the goods.

Valery Chernik, Imigize Development Group, CEO, gives generous epithets, commenting on the invention: “Imigize is a revolution in the world of online retail. We have developed a software that will transfer most of the footwear trade to the Internet. No more disappointments and returns, because Imigize will take care so your purchased shoes fit perfectly.”

Responding to a question about company plans, Valery pointed out that Imigize is not going to stop on the service for shoes. “Remote clothes fitting service is next in line along with creating a global blockchain ecosystem on the online market, which will bring together all the players by accessing valuable data about the shoes and clothes 'fitting degree,' the generic anthropometric parameters of buyers, digital products profiles, research ratings, etc."

Now the service is launching in several of the largest online stores in Russia. Next Imigize is planning to begin working with American and Chinese online stores. 


website of service -

website of ICO -

e-mail for any questions - [email protected], [email protected]

Source: Imigize Group


Tags: blockchain, contactless footwear fitting system, e-commers, ico

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Valery Chernik
Valery Chernik
Imigize Development Group, CEO, Imigize Group