Continental Interpreting Launches All New Website

Continental Interpreting launches all new CIS-INC.COM, a user-friendly, streamlined website that allows for seamless content updates thanks to an all new content management system.

- Continental Interpreting Services, a leading translation company and interpreting agency, has launched its new website with an all new content management system that makes it easier and faster to view and publish rich content. The newly redesigned site features an innovative look and feel as well as a revamped user interface that allows clients and future customers easy access to information not only on the web but also on mobile devices including smartphones and tablets.

The new site has several new features including:

• Online ordering capabilities for document translation, on site interpreting, phone interpreting and interpreting equipment rental services.

• A new robust resource center for linguist featuring a variety of career, training and certification information for aspiring future interpreters.

• Instant access to receive a free quote for interpreting or translation services.

• Ability to upload files and documents for training and certification purposes

"Our new site gives you easy access to online features that make quoting and ordering more efficient on both ends", says Stephanie Echeverry, Continental Interpreting Services Marketing Manager." We've also added new tools for CIS linguists-our multitalented interpreters and translators-that let them send us information quickly and accurately from the field. We've organized our information so it's easy for current and prospective clients to see how CIS' comprehensive language solutions fit the needs of specific industries, like advertising, health care, legal, meetings , events, and more. We've made sure the information you need is clear and accessible."

The new Continental Interpreting website is up to date with the latest online user behavior, in that users are demanding fast and easy content as they are more frequently on the go. Recent research studies predict that worldwide sales of robust browser compatible phones and tablets will hit 1 billion units in 2013, which is a significant increase from 336 million units sold in 2011. The new is poised to keep Continental Interpreting among the leaders in the Language and Translation space.

New users and existing customers can move around the site more quickly and easily than ever before. The new user interface can be viewed on screens of all sizes including all makes of smart phones and tablets. This means that users who are on the move will be able to continue their research, certification inquiries, and quote requests without the need to be stationed at their desktop computer.

"We were thrilled and honored when Common Sense Advisory named us one of its Top 25 Language Companies in North America-and that's just the beginning of a very bright future. As we continue to grow, serve new customers and strengthen our position in the industry, our site will be a showcase for new ventures, technologies and plans, says Luis Echeverry, Continental Interpreting Services President and CEO.

To experience the new site, visit:

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Tags:, continental interpreting, interpreting, Translation company, Website Launch

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Stephanie Echeverry
Press Contact, Continental Interpreting
Continental Interpreting
3111 North Tustin Street
Orange, CA 92865
United States