Contractor Shares How Cool Roofing Sacramento Can Be An Artistic Pursuit
Online, April 8, 2012 ( - Yancey Home Improvements - There is a creative side to roofing Sacramento, Yancey Home Improvements revealed today in a press statement.
"A cool roof need always not be white," the company explained. While white is common among roofs with a slow slope, consumer studies and scientific reports suggest the modern-day homeowners can settle for pastel alternatives as well.
The Cool Roof Rating Council (CRRC) defines a cool roof as one that is able to reflect the sun's heat instead of allowing it to penetrate inside the house.
These roofs are estimated to reflect 80 percent of the sun's heat back to the atmosphere and stay 50 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than a black or a dark gray counterpart.
Color considerations attract more homeowners
The company had earlier disclosed in its blog that the option to select a roof color is one of the top factors that prospective clients consider in home improvement projects.
As such, Yancey Home Improvements assures clients that it intends to pay attention to customer preference, despite the "obvious" advantage sported by white or silver roofs.
Instead of imposing on white or silver only, the roofing contractor suggested that customers work with the staff to decide on an appropriate color for their roof.
It added that by sitting down to discuss color options, both parties can appreciate both the science and the art behind roofing Sacramento properties.
The company has identified the three factors to selecting a roof color to include permanent home fixtures, regional patterns, and immediate surroundings. The staff recommends that the roof color:
• Match either the chimney or the steps of the patio.
• Help to maintain the identity of the community.
• Blend smoothly with the area.
A detailed discussion of the variables is posted at the company blog.
Benefits of cool, light-colored roofs
In 2010, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory researchers used NASA equipment to determine and compare radiation, temperature, and other surface variables between roofs of lighter and darker hues.
The research concluded that lighter roof colors are able to reflect more of the solar radiation, and if ever a city with at least 1M homeowners would use cool roofs, the move can offset 57 gigatons of carbon dioxide emissions.
A white, silver, or some other light-colored roof is a cool roof, both the CRRC and the California Energy Commission confirmed. Cool roofs are known to help:
• Reduce smog.
• Mitigate global warming.
• Keep indoor temperatures low.
• Raise the comfort level of homeowners.
• Conserve energy.
• Lower cooling costs.
Yancey Home Improvements is one of the growing number of home improvement businesses to strengthen its support for cool roofing which Title 24 of the California Energy Code began prescribing in 2005. Title 24 specifically covers energy efficiency standards.
Tags: roofing sacramento, sacramento roofing company, sacramento roofing contractor