Contractor Survey Reveals: Better Work/Life Balance, Greater Flexibility, Less Office Politics Plus You Could Live Longer

Okay, there are no cold hard facts to back this last one up but we probably still think it's true, especially if your life has less office politics, a better work life balance and you generally enjoy your work more

According to over 1,000 contractors who completed SJD's biannual contractor survey, 82% of Limited company contractors said their work life/personal life balance was either better (57%) or hadn't changed (25%) since becoming a contractor. Over 77% said they found being a contractor more satisfying than being an employee with less than 10% saying they would go back to permanent employment if an offer was made available. 50% said they might consider going back to permanent work depending upon what was being offered. The above confirms why so many people stay in contracting, with over 88% surveyed classing themselves as a 'committed contractor'. Other areas cited about what they enjoy about contracting included: 84% enjoying higher rates of pay, 70% the flexibility contracting offered, 65% greater freedom and just over a third said being viewed as an industry expert.

Results also concluded that in spite of a struggling economy, over 91% answered 'Yes' to earning more as a contractor than they were as an employee, contractors can work out approximate take home pay rates by using SJD's contractor calculator and clicking here.

This is just a small snapshot of the results received from this bi-annual contractor attitude survey circulated to SJD Accountancy's 11,000 + strong database. A full breakdown of the survey results can be found at:

With over 1,000 clients completing the survey, the results offer a fair idea as to the views, attitudes and opinions of contractors, freelancers, interims, consultants and small to medium sized businesses in the current market. With companies such as Amazon recently reporting 2,000 new job opportunities in the next two years, with an additional 3,000 roles to be created specifically for contractors during the Christmas period, it shows that contractors are still very much at the forefront of most companies recruitment needs. - Ends -

About SJD Accountancy
SJD Accountancy is the UK's largest specialist provider of fixed fee, Limited company accountancy services to contractors, freelancers and small businesses. It is the only national specialist firm of accountants with offices in all major cities, and is the chosen accountancy firm for more than 11,000 clients. SJD Accountancy has been acting for contractors and small businesses since 1992 and is the most recommended accountancy firm on the Internet. It has more qualified staff than any other specialist firm, with qualifications covering the major Tax and Accountancy bodies, including ATII, ATT, ACCA, CA, ACA, FCCA, ACMA. SJD Accountancy offers a complete package including completion of accounts, payroll bureau, dividends, corporation tax computations, personal taxation and all company returns. On top of all that, SJD Accountancy has also won every relevant industry award possible, including:

• Best Accountant for Contractors - Contractor UK 2011 - 2006
• Small firm of the Year - Accountancy Age 2007 & 2004
• Medium firm of the Year - Finalist Accountancy Age 2010
• Customer Commitment Award - Institute of Customer Service 2011
• Compliant Accountants - APSCo Compliancy Audit 2011
• Accountant of the Year - British Accountancy Awards 2011
• National Chamber of Commerce Award 2010
• Sunday Times Best Small Companies - Award 2009 - 2007
• Best Professional Team of the Year - UK Customer Experience Award 2011

And most importantly, in a recent survey 98% of their clients rated SJD Accountancy as 'better than other accountants' - and they are working hard to convince the other 2%!

Further information
Contact: Nikki Hanlon Tel: 0500 152500 / 01442 275789 Email: [email protected]


Tags: accountancy, finance, work

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