Controversial JFK Documentary Featured in Variety Magazine Destined for Indiegogo Greatness
Los Angeles, CA, August 14, 2015 ( - Award-winning veteran producers for The Parkland Doctors recently launched an Indiegogo campaign in partnership with The International Documentary Association in order to raise funds for the post-production costs of what’s been called the most important documentary about the JFK assassination. The film tells the story about the doctors who tried to save JFK, not about who tried to kill him.
With it’s early success in the Indiegogo campaign, the producers have partnered with JFK Lancer, the most trusted publication dedicated to the research community aiming at educating a new generation on what happened on that fateful day.
Supporters of the film can still opt-in with their tax-deductible donation to receive once in a lifetime perks that may never be available again.
For the first time ever, seven of the surviving doctors who tried to save President John F. Kennedy are featured together in an explosive new documentary about the last minutes of JFK’s life.
The doctors relive the minutes and take viewers inside Emergency Room at Dallas’ Parkland Hospital, which became the center of American political power on that horrific November day in 1963. The doctors, for the first time together, provide details of their resuscitation efforts to save the President. They recount the ensuing moments when, against Texas law, the President’s body was forcibly removed from the hospital, and they describe the irony of less than 48 hours later trying to save the life of the accused assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald. They discuss their fears and reluctance to talk about their involvement in what was one of the darkest days in America’s history.
The featured physicians in the film are Dr. Donald Seldin, Dr. Robert McClelland, Dr. Ronald Jones, Dr. Kenneth Salyer, Dr. Joe D. Goldstrich, Dr. Peter Loeb and Dr. Lawrence Klein.
“Everyone in the country has a right to know whatever I happen to be able to tell them because this isn’t something personal -- it’s information that belongs to the entire country,” Dr. McClelland says.
“When I saw the autopsy pictures, I was very upset that the report and the pictures of the President did not accurately reflect what had transpired and what I had seen myself in Trauma Room One,” Dr. Goldstrich says.
“Will people feel they have a better understanding of what actually happened in Trauma Room One – absolutely they will,” he says. “That’s why this documentary is so important.”
The documentary is produced by Bill Garnet and Jacque Lueth, veteran producers whose lives were forever influenced by the JFK tragedy.
“I always wanted to know what really happened inside Trauma Room One,” Garnet says. “To this day, no one knows, and no one has gone on record to say what happened. Until now.”
“This film is about finding the truth from the only people who were actually there and saw the President’s wounds unaltered,” Lueth says. “This documentary is like no other JFK film ever produced.”
The editor for The Parkland Doctors is the award-winning Kate Amend, ACE. The film is a sponsored project of the International Documentary Association (IDA), whose mission is to support documentary filmmakers and to further the art of the documentary.
“We are on Indiegogo because we believe that the citizens of the internet have the power to ignite a public debate on this subject,” Garnet says. “While we need your financial support, we also need you to become activists and advocates for the truth.”
This film is being produced independently and every dollar raised by this campaign is going directly towards completing the film. To donate to the campaign, please click here.
Contact: [email protected]
Tags: crowdfunding, documentary, Indiegogo, JFK