Controversial Sketch Comedy Show Announces Philanthropy Initiative

The controversial sketch comedy show Short Bus TV recently announced the launch of a new philanthropic initiative aimed at supporting children in areas of need ranging from cancer research to third world aide.

The creators of the controversial online sketch comedy show Short Bus TV have become notorious for their rather dark sense humor featuring sketches depicting child neglect and abuse, severe drug addiction, dying kids, and others. In researching and dealing with these topics the creators of the show, Shaun Cardwell and Danny Hirtler, have realized the need to give back to their community and fellow man.

"At the end of the day it's not even a debate. You just look at your surroundings and then look at yourself and it becomes pretty obvious what you have to do. Many of the issues we tackle in our sketches are very real, and I honestly think the reason so many people feel uncomfortable with them is because they would rather ignore the fact that the problems even exist. We're just using our skills and talents to raise awareness in the best way we know how to, and we really feel that we're presenting these topics to a demographic that generally wouldn't give them two thoughts" said Danny Hirtler, the show's head writer and co-creator.

Shaun Cardwell, the director and co-creator added that "The way we look at it is, Yeah, we might be controversial, but at the end of the day we are still raising awareness and getting people to at least talk about the issues, which is still more than most people do."

The show's creators have been involved in several successful philanthropic initiatives in the past such as a fund raising gala for St. Jude's Cancer research in the show's hometown of Wilkesboro, NC or a fund raising comedy show to give Haitian Children Christmas presents in Fort Mill, SC.

"We just knew that with the beginning of the new year and the explosive growth of our audience it was time to get serious" Hirtler noted "So we've officially pledged to contribute our skills and talents to help raise at least $15K this year across the board in aide and awareness for a diverse area of needs."

Short Bus TV hopes to be able to fulfill this pledge by continuing to support fund raising initiatives throughout the region by providing their abilities and skills throughout the year.

For more information about the show please visit the official youtube channel at

To receive more information about the show's production or to use the facility please call Red Rider Media at (336) 262 7302

For information about the ongoing philanthropy initiative or to book members of Short Bus TV for your fund raising events please call (336) 262 8505


Tags: comedy, entertainment, fund-raising, Internet, philanthropy, pledge, show

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