Convocation Ceremony at Greater Noida Institute of Technology

Around 200 students were awarded with diplomas and certificates during the convocation ceremony. The meritorious students were awarded with scholastic medals.

GNIOT Group of Institutions organized convocation ceremony for its PGDM Batch (2011-13) with a much fanfare. Chief Guest for the event Dr. Arun Rath (IAS) Chairman-Dept. of Social Corporate Responsibility, International Management Institute (IMI) - New Delhi, initiated the event by lighting the lamp while Chairman- K L Gupta, Vice Chairman- B L Gupta, Director from GNIT College of Management- Dr. Bhatnagar, GNIOT Management School's Director- Dr. Savita Mohan and other dignitaries were present on this occasion. Around 200 students were awarded with diplomas and certificates during the convocation ceremony. The meritorious students were awarded with scholastic medals.

Dr. Arun Rath while congratulating all the students said that youth are country's Helmsman and being future leaders cum managers they need to formulate new models of development. He also communicated on the importance of education and said it's a lifetime and continuous process, so one should always be ready to learn. Talking about the event he said that the convocation ceremony is the most important day in students' life as it is the result that they get after completing the entire course.

Dr. Bhatnagar greeted students with best wishes and said that we believe our students will overcome all the industrial challenges through their skills, hard work and caliber. During his motivational speech, he said unceasing efforts along with patience and positive approach leads to success. He added that pass-out students reflect institution's reputation and image. We wish for their bright future.

Students seemed very excited during the event. Shilpa Chandra, with the maximum marks got the first position, followed by Vinita and Ruchika from the same batch, got second and third position respectively. On the occasion Shilpa Chandra thanked all the faculties for believing in her. "Students need to utilise the academic time in best possible way in order to achieve their goals", advised Ruchika. The event ended with thanks note by Dr. Bhatnagar.

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Tags: Convocation, GNIOT, Greater Noida Institute of Techn

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