Copyhouse Press Ltd to Release Debut Novel by Canadian Author Annette Labelle

Ontario Author's First Offering, "The Unknown Truth", Goes on Release on October 1st

London publishing house Copyhouse Press Ltd is pleased to announce a new addition to its Q4 2015 list.

Canadian debut author Annette Labelle, from Ontario, brings her first novel to Copyhouse Press and is the first writer from Canada to sign with the publisher.

Having Annette Labelle on board is something of a coup for us, as her work has been compared to CaitlĂ­n R. Kiernan, Anne Rivers Siddons, Sarah Pinborough and Anne Rice. We're going to give away a free shiver down the spine with every copy sold!

Jamie Jones, Head of Marketing and PR

Labelle's debut, "The Unknown Truth," is an eerie paranormal mystery aimed primarily at the Young Adult market but will appeal to all audiences interested in supernatural fiction.

Copyhouse Press is no stranger to the YA market; recent release "Played" by Jessica McWilliams continues to perform well.

"The Unknown Truth" goes on release on October 1st 2015, and will be distributed in paperback and ebook formats worldwide. It is expected to be available for pre-order soon.

It joins a growing list and steady schedule of quality releases from Copyhouse Press, with the twin adventure novels "Land of Fire" and "Nightingale" by Jyri Hamalainen being released on September 15th and "To Bathe in Eden's Glory" by Christopher Cass (an epic saga compared to the work of Sebastian Faulks) coming to the market for its Third Edition on October 5th. Recent release "The Olive Tree" by Deborah Anderson continues to do well and has garnered rave reviews and has been compared in style and substance to the likes of Sylvia Plath and Susanna Keysen.

Interested parties can find out more by contacting the publisher via this press release or by visiting the company's website.

Annette Labelle is available for interview and can be contacted via Copyhouse Press in the first instance.


Tags: Annette Labelle, Copyhouse Press, The Unknown Truth

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