Corporate Philanthropists: Biggest Donations Ever - Infographic

By combining historical figures such as John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie with the likes of Warren Buffett & Bill Gates' family, rplan managed to come up with facts & trivia about their philanthropic activities as an infographic.

With Christmas just around the corner, most of us are looking forward to seeing family & old friends, the amazing food, the decorations and presents on Christmas Day. Unfortunately, not everyone can enjoy the holidays as we do.

Charities and corporate philanthropists are doing their best to help the disadvantaged ones, especially in these times and that's what made us - the rplan team - thinking about giving recognition to the greatest philanthropists in history. The result of that is the 'Christmas Saints of Wall Street' infographic with facts & figures on the 5 biggest givers in the history of the modern world.

By combining historical figures such as John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie with the likes of Warren Buffett & Bill Gates' family, we've managed to come up with facts & trivia about their philanthropic activities. Some of them funny (the richest man in history used to give dimes and nickles to wealthy men such as Harvey Firestone) while others are intriguing (one of them came up with a law of thumb which was accurate for over half a century) or simply mind-blowing (a 'power lunch' with the greatest living investor was auctioned for charity on ebay for almost 3.5 million dollars).

Following the great example of our role-models, rplan has agreed to dedicate a full working week over the next year to charitable actions as rplan's commitment into helping others (in addition to private donations to charitable organisations from our team members.)

We felt inspired by our findings and hope this infographic encourages all to give more than presents this Christmas and help others in the world who need it the most. Please share from the rplan blog (rVoice) if you feel the same way


Tags: Bill Gates, Charity, corporate philanthropy, giving pledge, melinda gates, philanthropy, Wall Street, warren buffett

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