Corporate Social Responsibility Foundation Publishes a New Resource to Promote Equitable Development in South Florida

MIAMI, May 26, 2020 ( - The Corporate Social Responsibility Foundation, a leading public policy and philanthropic organization in Miami-Dade County, today announced publication of “A Model Miami/South Florida Community Benefits Agreement: A Resource Guide.” Community Benefits Agreements (”CBAs”) are relatively new tools in South Florida. A CBA is a negotiated agreement that specifies the public benefits and amenities that a particular developer will provide to a community. The 58-page resource and sample CBA was developed for community and grassroots organizations addressing real estate developments in their neighborhoods.
“The Corporate Social Responsibility Foundation was privileged to convene a coalition of South Florida nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and social advocates to contribute their expertise to the Model Miami/South Florida Community Benefits Agreement,” said Lisa Hogan, President and CEO of the Foundation. “The goal is to provide residents with a sample CBA to assist them in drafting binding and enforceable agreements with developers seeking to build real estate and infrastructure projects in their neighborhoods.” Each community can identify its own needs and modify the model to create their own unique CBA.
Recent events, including the COVID-19 pandemic, show how connected we all are, and the Model Miami/South Florida Community Benefits Agreement Resource Guide will be used by residents to make the communities where they live, work, and play better and more equitable for all. Provisions in the model CBA address affordable housing, establishment of community coalitions, developer’s meetings with the community, living wages, jobs, hiring, responsible contracting, infrastructure and neighborhood preservation, displacement impact studies, and community wealth creation, among others. The model contains best-in-class language and innovative community amenities from well-vetted CBAs, housing policies, and academic research across the country.
The coalition’s Working Group members included the Corporate Social Responsibility Foundation, Community Justice Project, Catalyst Miami, The Allapattah Collaborative CDC, University of Miami Assistant Provost for Civic & Community Engagement, University of Miami School of Law Environmental Justice Clinic, Miami Workers Center, Service Employees International Union 1199SEIU, Struggle for Miami's Affordable and Sustainable Housing, and Neighborhood Housing Services of South Florida.
or to view the full report.
Source: Corporate Social Responsibility Foundation
Tags: affordable housing, CBA, community benefits agreement, Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, equitable development, law, minorities, nonprofits, philanthropy, real estate, University of Miami