Could a Cyber/Drone War Breakout Between U.S. and China?

New thriller based on the hypothetical breakout of a cyber/drone war between the U.S. and the People's Republic of China depicts some chilling scenarios that could become reality.

Is the Breakout of a Cyber/Drone War Between the U. S. and China Imminent?

The People's Republic of China has created a whole Cyber Warfare Division in its People's Liberation Army.

There have been published reports that China and a host of other countries conduct cyber-attacks on a regular basis against corporate and government assets of the United States. This has become such a hot issue that recently the United States has officially stated that it would not limit its retaliation to such attacks with corresponding cyber-attacks. It might respond with military force.

"Righteous Wrath Unit 000 -- Cyber/Drone War Unleashed" a newly released suspense/futuristic novella, examines some possible cyber-attack scenarios, including the dangerous unintended consequences that could result in the U. S. responding to them using all of its available cyber and drone assets.

Drone Warfare

Drone warfare is the second component of this fictional account of a future scrimmage between the United States and the People's Republic of China. What is so dangerous about this kind of warfare is its propensity to escalate so fast that the leaders of a country end up being spectators - losing their control over a vast and deadly new legion of drone weapons that might be manipulated by those with other agendas.

Published on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

This new e-book is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble at a special introductory price.

About the Author

Chet Dembeck, the author of this e-book thriller, is a former reporter who covered the Washington, D.C. area. Chet published his first Op-Ed piece with the Baltimore Evening Sun in 1990s.

Over the next 15 years he worked as a reporter covering government, technology and business for such publications as the Washington Business Journal, the Baltimore Daily Record, The Capital , the Federal Times and the E-Commerce Times. He is a lifelong resident of the Baltimore area and resides there with his wife.

Contact Info

Chet is available for interviews. You can contact him via the ebook's Web site. You can read an excerpt from the book by clicking here.


Tags: chino/US cyber war, Cyber attack, new suspense novella, thriller

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