Could Recession be replaced with a new 'R' word?

Job search engine has recently released statistics confirming reports that the recruitment industry may be on the verge of an upturn, as well as reporting a record month in 2009 for business as advertisers begin to unlock budgets analysed raw data from a cross section of some of their longest standing blue chip customers to measure the impact of the recession on recruitment. Of the data analysed,AllTheTopBananas .com have reported a 48% drop in the average number of jobs advertised when compared with figures from 2008. Whilst the recession has clearly affected the advertised vacancy counts in 2009, the study also showed positive signs of recovery for the months ahead. A 13% increase in the average jobs advertised was recorded from July to September 2009, in comparison to a much smaller growth rate of 3% seen in the same period last year.

"What we are beginning to see", says Dave Martin, MD of "are the first signs of recovery for the job market. Not only are job boards and recruitment agencies beginning to have their budgets unlocked, but also the amount of jobs advertised is beginning to increase again. We are by no means out of the woods just yet, and the road to recovery will certainly have an impact on the job market. How people in the industry respond to the upturn will seriously affect which businesses make it out on the other side in the best possible position."

Whilst the signs are looking positive that 2010 will deliver good things for the recruitment industry, it is a time when job boards,aggregators and recruiters will need to think about adapting to the changing marketplace. With more jobs on the horizon and thousands of activejobseekers, marketing will be fundamental to really stand out in the marketplace.

Dave Martin suggests that: "For us, innovation is key. There has never been a more important time for us to focus on new developments that can help thejobseeker and the job board. This year has seen the birth of our CV distribution service FreeMyCV , which has enabled us to improve our service to job boards by providing them with real-time active candidates to fill vacancies. Our focus over the last few months has been to sit up and listen to the market and witness the ever increasing stronghold of social media. Twitter and the iPhone are two entities that are growing beyond belief and provide great platforms for us to engage with our market and help to increase the transparency of the recruitment industry. Brand awareness at this crucial time could make or break a business in this industry, and these new platforms offer new ways to connectjobseekers and businesses to our brands." provides services to recruitment businesses from email marketing to HR and iPhone development. For full details contact on: 0844 800 1616.


Tags: economic recovery, increased jobs, job search, jobs, recession, recruitment, upturn

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