Country Packages Direct Your Ad Scripts to the Right Audience
Online, February 5, 2013 ( - Online advertising is a great way for website owners to make money. Even people who originally decided to open a website purely for their own entertainment or to share their hobbies can find that introducing advertisements turns a fun pastime into a good income generator.
However, many website advertisements tend to assume an American visitor. This means that visitors from other countries have a hard time finding ads that cater to their interests. They might be curious about a product, but prices might be listed in American dollars. If they arrange to have the product delivered, they may find that only American zip codes are available in address fields. This sort of built-in assumption in ads can severely limit their usefulness and relevance for non-US markets.
Many website owners are aware of this problem. Indeed, it is possible to try to address the issue yourself, but you will have to modify the script individually in order to adjust ad content to appeal to a particular country. However, this is time consuming and sometimes requires a certain degree of programming knowledge that you may not have. Modifying scripts is also a complicated and oftentimes a costly task, so even if you are willing to spend extra time on the modifications, there is a possibility that purchasing a postal code database license for individual use on your website will cost more than what you have paid already for your script (for example, an exorbitant charge for a UK postal code db by UK's Royal Mail).
Thankfully, WorksForWeb has come up with a series of country package options for iAuto, iRealty, and iLister scripts. The package modifies your classified ad script in order to adapt the website to particular country conditions.
Each of the country packages comes with a database of that country's postal codes, a unit of measurement converter, and the adjustment to templates to display prices in the appropriate national currency (UK Pound, Australian Dollar, etc.). Country packages should be purchased along with a WorksForWeb's classified ad script license for seamless integration.
Currently, packages are available for Canada, Australia, and the UK. As the majority of online content is English (disproportionate to the percentage of actual speakers in the world's population), this seemingly small list of options actually gives clients access to a large chunk of the Internet's total users.
These packages are a particularly good deal for website owners whose online space caters to the interests of people living in North America or Oceania. For example, a website about concerts in Australia ought to have ads concerning Australian products, or at least products that a person could or would use in Australia. These ads will be far more useful and relevant to the majority of website visitors.
More country packages are currently being prepared in order to give clients more options. Interested website owners can visit the WorksForWeb website - to check for updates, or to get information on the company's other useful products. The Sales division of the company is taking in requests for the development of new country packages. They can also be contacted via the website.
Tags: classified products, classified script, classified software, country package, country packages