CPC Certification Study Guide Updated For 2012 CPC Exam Questions Says Tutor

The CPC Exam study guide has recently been updated, announces CPC Certification Tutor.

New York, NY - The CPC Certification Study Guide 2012 version is now available for download and shipping according to Laureen Jandroep (CPC), a qualified medical coder and author of the Medical Coding Certification Review Blitz Videos.

Medical Coding Certification Review Blitz is a CPC Certification Study Guide that has now been updated for the 2012 curriculum in order to accurately reflect changes to the expected types of CPC exam questions and answers.

The guide consists of over 12 hours of video footage, providing a fully comprehensive review of all material covered in the 2012 Certified Professional Coder (CPC) exam and the Certified Coding Specialist-Physician Based (CCS-P) exam. The course also includes CPC Exam practice questions and worksheets. The videos are available for instant access online, and as a special bonus for 2012 members also get the entire DVD series shipped directly to their front door.

One of the most popular aspects of the CPC Certification Study Guide is Landroep's propriety "Bubble and Highlighting Technique", which has apparently started to make a bit of a name for itself.

"Use my bubble and highlighting technique to organize your manuals to use during your exam- and also when you actually are working! It will save you tons of time and make your work super- effective. My students swear by it!" said Landroep. The guide consists of over 12 hours of video footage, providing a fully comprehensive review of all material covered in the 2012 Certified Professional Coder (CPC) exam and the Certified Coding Specialist-Physician Based (CCS-P) exam.

A live demonstration of the "Bubble and Highlighting Technique", along with other CPC Certification practice techniques, can be seen at the official website.

For more information, visit http://emailwire.com/release/78443-Medical-Coding-Certification-CPC-Exam-Prep-Doesnt-Have-To-Be-A-Nightmare-Says-Spokesperson-for-Medical-Coding-Certification-Review-Blitz-.html

About Medical Coding Certification Review Blitz Videos:

The Medical Coding Certification Review Blitz Video series provides medical coding students with a comprehensive rerview of the material covered in the CPC Exams. The guide was created by qualified medical coder, Laureen Jandroep (CPC), whom has been teaching students how to pass the CPC Exams since 1999.


Tags: career, Health, Medical Coding Certification

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