Create a New Wok History

Unemployment at record highs. More and more people want to gain the edge over their competition. Most everyone embellishes their resume; even if it is just a little. The Reference Store takes it to unheard-of levels.

The Reference Store provides glowing references for employment, Grad School, and Apartment hunters.

You decide:,
1. The date you started & left,
2. Your Salary,
3. Your Job Title,
4. Much much more.

Interviews Guaranteed!!!

The Reference Store was formed to assist men and women wanting to advance their careers or facing obstacles to employment. It was only after considerable deliberation that the founder of The Reference Store made the final decision to push forward with this project, and jump in with both feet. During the development phase, it was discovered that the subsequent dominoes that could fall as a result of not being able to get hired were:

1. Loss of Self Esteem.
2. Drug or Alcohol abuse.
3. Amassing of enormous, un-payable debt.
4. Hunger and Homelessness.
5. Increased Criminal Activity.

The Reference Store believes, each of the above listed social issues can be greatly reduced if these folks had some avenue to attaining meaningful employment. Men and women, facing hunger and homelessness are far more likely to resort robbery and prostitution, to keep a roof over the heads of their children, and food on the table. The Reference Store is available to assist you find new, meaningful work by telling little white lies on your behalf.

Struggling with the obvious ethical issues, The Reference Store sees "Telling little white lies" as a necessary evil. In exchange for information, we as a society have come to accept, looking the other way, while letting Drug Dealers go unpunished to catch a Child Molester. Thereby, serving the Greater Good to our Society as a whole.

Serving a greater good, we at The Reference Store strive to keep Americans working. Many of us agree that, a convicted Felon should be able to return to some position alongside other citizens; especially after he's paid his debt to society. That's the politically correct answer. What really takes place out in the Work Force is a very different result.

One example of how The Reference Store can be used is if someone has been out of the Work force for quite some time. Knowing its very hard to get back into a job after a long period of being off, these people can create a virtual job history to explain away that period of time.

Another example of how The Reference Store can be used is when an employee, frustrated with not being promoted. Seeing other, less capable but better educated, people, getting those promotions decides to look for a new opportunity with a new company. They opt to enhance their own experiences to better showcase themselves to the next employer.

Many times, if a potential employer sees that an applicant has a felony record; that application, goes right in the trash. Perhaps rightfully so. Nevertheless, these men and women need jobs too. That's where The Reference Store comes in.

We set up a completely fictitious Company, complete with a physical address, a local phone number anywhere in the United States, a complete website, real e-mail addresses, LIVE receptionists to answer incoming phone calls, LIVE Human Resource Managers to give glowing references to insure these people at least get an interview.

While The Reference Store cannot promise you'll get a job, we do guarantee you'll get an interview to showcase yourself and what you have to offer. In this way, a greater good is served.

Simple and effective! The Reference Store delivers to its clients an alternative approach to overcome barriers to employment. The Reference Store creates Virtual Companies and pose as H.R. Managers for those companies. The client decides what position they've held, their salary, starting dates and so on....

Lying on a resume isn't a crime. Lets face it.... Everyone does it!
We'd have a very hard time believing anyone that claims they've NEVER lied on an application. Fudging the truth, even a little, is a lie. And it's generally accepted as a common practice. In fact, studies suggest, employers assume applicants are lying.

With the economy being so bad, many of our clients have been "Stay-at-home" moms for several years and are looking to get back into the work-force to help their families. These women have a diverse set of skills.

Others have been on their jobs for years; but can't get ahead. Some of these people can use The Reference Store to advance their careers with other companies. An ASSISTANT Manager, at a Hotel "A", can apply for a MANAGERS Job at Hotel "B", claiming to have worked for Fictitious Hotel "C" as the MANAGER.

Even Felons can benefit from using The Reference Store. The case managers are options to diminish the appearance of time spent in Prison. Potential clients, that have been involved in the Drug Trade can "Get Out" by creating a virtual company to fit their skill set. Prostitutes, looking to "Get out of the Life". CAN!

The Reference Store helps people World wide. Getting you back to work is what they do.


Tags: employment, Fake Job Reference Service, Fake Reference, Fake Resume, faking references, get hired, get reference, hired, How to create a new work history, How to fake, how to get hired with a bad refe, interview, interviewing, job interview, job reference, off, reference, unemployment, Who fakes, Work Excuses

About The Reference Store

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Rebecca Moxley
Press Contact, The Reference Store
The Reference Store
1791 Capitol Ave., Cheyenne, WY
Cheyenne, WY 82001