Credit Card Account Information May Suffer From Disclosure, GlobeBill Attends the Security Training

The credit card industry organizations and parties confirmed on March 30 that the U.S. credit card account information may have suffered "massive" stolen, involving credit card users of MasterCard, Visa and other International organizations.

The credit card industry organizations and parties confirmed on March 30 that the U.S. credit card account information may have suffered "massive" stolen, involving credit card users of MasterCard, Visa and other International organizations, institutions of large card-issuing bank and several major credit card service companies.

The company has contacted on the matter to federal law enforcement agencies. Because the matter is under investigation, relevant departments refused to disclose any details about how serious the flaw is and how many customers will be affected. However, there are also reports show that the source of funds in the financial sector was found to be 'serious' threat, and may be more than 10 million card numbers are affected. Most people doubt that the cardholder's information of two of the world's largest bank card associations Visa and MasterCard was leaked due to third party security vulnerabilities. As the situation remains unclear, it's unable for related associations to assess the impact of Chinese cardholders.

The Master has held safety training on global scale. By the invitation of MasterCard international organizations, GlobeBill participated in the MasterCard network of international organizations risk training courses held in Sanya, Hainan from March 28 to 30. This training aimed at acquiring agencies, third-party service providers, and senior executives of businesses. The main content includes network acquirer risk compliance, network merchant risk management and best merchants operating instructions.

Eight issues would be discussed in the meeting, they are: Asia-Pacific risk trends and global risk; MasterCard risk compliance projects; how to effectively control the risk of acquiring fraud; merchant risk control; no card transaction risk management tools and Prevention Strategies; cybercrime dynamics; prevent data leakage; BRAM compliance

Delegates of GlobeBill expressed that they will pay much attention to the training and get the latest risk control concepts into actual use to further improve the company's competitive strength.


Tags: credit card payment, globebill, security

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