Credit Counsel Inc. Offers Clients Convenient Web Portal to Keep Track of Debt Recovery

Credit Counsel Inc., Credit Counsel Inc. Miami, Credit Counsel Inc. Florida

Every customer wants the ability to keep track of their purchased services in real time. In today's economy, every dollar needs to become accounted for at any time. That's why Credit Counsel Inc. offers their clients a secure web portal to access real-time account status.

Credit Counsel Inc.'s web portal organizes and lets clients securely monitor collections activity in real time. Also, clients can upload new accounts, verify balances and payments, and view collector notes 24/7.

Our goal is to preserve the client's image within their respective industry.

Credit Counsel Inc.

Also, the web portal allows real-time views of account data and clients can quickly and securely download data. This aspect of the web portal allows full transparency between Credit Counsel Inc. and their clients.

"Letting our clients have full control of their account at any time of the day lets them have the confidence that we are doing our job to the best of our ability," says a company spokesperson. "Moreover, if they have any questions about an account or progress, we can review in real-time with them through the web portal."

Severing Clients For Over Two Decades

Since 1997, Credit Counsel Inc. has served clients nationally and internationally. The professional debt recovery organization, based in Miami, Florida, combines quality service, courteous agents, and reasonable rates to clients. These qualities offered always outweigh what their competitors offer.

The debt recovery staff adheres to the highest standards of professionalism and excellence in the industry. Every collection agent handles a claim and account from the very first collection call to the final coordination in a potential lawsuit. Furthermore, because of the attention from one agent, it assures continuity in approach and consistent communication.

"Our goal is to preserve the client's image within their respective industry," adds the company spokesperson. "Also, the goal extends to achieving the highest possible return on each dollar placed in the account. Our motto is if there is no collection, there is no charge."

Also, while the web portal maintains transparency with clients, the company boasts the excellence of their staff. The staff at Credit Counsel Inc. has become dedicated to building deep relationships with clients in the multiple industries they serve.

"We focus heavily on training and development for our agents," says the company spokesperson. "Also, this training ensures that the individual performance of each Credit Counsel Inc. team member serves to uphold the character we have built for the past twenty years."

But how do the agents make sure they are getting the highest rate of debt recovery?

Staff Expertise And Excellence Leads Company

Credit Counsel Inc.'s statistical model leverages consumer behavioral data, and specific account attributes to direct ongoing debt collection activity. Every aspect of the collection process becomes available via the web portal.

Furthermore, combining these services with credit data analysis tools result in accurate intelligence that exposes hidden risks within in the accounts. Also, the information gives Credit Counsel Inc. an absolute advantage over their competitors.

Also, the expertise within the company encompasses businesses small and large. These companies are in the telecommunication, financial service, commercial, utilities, healthcare, education, and government industries.

The decades of staff experience and proven industry excellence, combined with innovative strategies have resulted in a maximum return on investments to clients.

Also, Credit Counsel Inc. specializes in four fields. These four fields are international, medical, occupational health, and commercial.

"We take pride in our medical and occupational health collections," says a company spokesperson. "Also, we have the experience to weave through technicalities of insurance companies and their stall tactics."

Finally, Credit Counsel Inc. works with patients to satisfy and fulfill the outstanding medical bills on their account. Also, the company makes sure they try to recover every possible dollar on the outstanding account.

To learn more about Credit Counsel Inc.'s services and offerings, visit their website here.

Source: Web Presence, LLC


Tags: Credit Counsel Inc., Credit Counsel Inc. Florida, Credit Counsel Inc. Miami