Credit Unions And State Banks Fight Federal Banking Corruption
Online, November 2, 2011 (
A state bank competes against the federal banking system, and keeps money within the state. The state earns interest from loans made by the bank, and is able to invest the money deposited, which benefit's the state's economy. Wealthy counties could probably set up their own local banks too.
For example, "The Bank of North Dakota is the only state-owned bank in America-what Republicans might call an idiosyncratic bastion of socialism. It also earned a record profit last year even as its private-sector corollaries lost billions..." from the article, How the Nation's Only State-Owned Bank Became the Envy of Wall Street, published online at That bank's website is: Bank of North Dakota
That money is also kept away from the federal banking system and lessens the power of the corrupt federal banking system to control the nation. Congress bails out the big banks, letting smaller ones fail, to destroy competition. This is the most the American people can do to fight the corrupt, privately owned Federal Reserve System..
The American people are encouraged to continue to demand banking reforms from their legislators, and are given a list of demands at . In view of the failure of Congress to act in the past, however, those demands will only carry weight if the public is already moving money out of the federal banking system.
Tags: Banking, federal reserve, mortgage