Critical Manufacturing's CmNavigo Is Selected And Implemented By ASE

Advanced Semiconductor Engineering selected and implemented cmNavigo's MES modules in Shanghai

Critical Manufacturing, an enterprise which creates leading edge software solutions for the high-tech manufacturing industries of solar, electronics and semiconductors, announced today that its Manufacturing Execution System cmNavigo FabLive has been selected and implemented by ASE - Advanced Semiconductor Engineering - for its Shanghai manufacturing facility.

Critical Manufacturing announced today that ASE, Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Group, has selected and implemented cmNavigo's MES FabLive modules from Critical Manufacturing, in their Shanghai manufacturing facility. The implementation was performed by Critical Manufacturing's Chinese entity, which has been supporting the strong demand for software automation in Asia.

"Contributing to the increased efficiency and performance of the world's largest provider of independent semiconductor manufacturing services is an honor and proof of Critical Manufacturing's quality solutions.", indicates Yong-Wun Lau, Critical Manufacturing's China Managing Director. "There are many legacy CIM solutions that have functional gaps in meeting demands of today's manufacturing requirements. cmNavigo's flexibility allows staged and modular deployment of state-of-the-art functionality that can fill the gaps of legacy systems or completely replace a full MES in the least intrusive manner."

About ASE:
The ASE Group is the world's largest provider of independent semiconductor manufacturing services in assembly and test. As a global leader geared towards meeting the industry's ever growing needs for faster, smaller and higher performance chips, the Group develops and offers a wide portfolio of technology and solutions including IC test program design, front-end engineering test, wafer probe, wafer bump, substrate design and supply, wafer level package, flip chip, system-in-package, final test and design manufacturing services through Universal Scientific Industrial Co Ltd, a member of the ASE Group.
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Tags: ASE, cmNavigo, Critical Manufacturing, MES modules

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Sandra Cordeiro
Press Contact, Critical Manufacturing S.A.