Crypto Metals Leadership Summit

Enabling and distributing energy today to have available for our next generations futures will essentially reconstruct our communities while sending forward energy for communities tomorrow. Could it be that this meeting in the beautiful snow-capped mountains of Utah will be thought of in the future as the Jekyll Island of crypto-metal currencies, and the birthplace of honest money?

This week, a select group of visionary leadership from both the precious metals and cryptocurrency industries will be meeting at the appropriately named Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah, to refine and detail their understandings of what could be the most significant improvement to global commerce the world has ever seen. This new financial system model hails to bring together the oldest known storage of wealth with the newest digital technologies at a level not yet seen in the crypto-metals. The summit will highlight a comprehensive range of available solutions to attendees.

Founders and visionary conceptualists Marc R. Ward & Drew Piacine will address both industries on the promise of their Energy Positive Commerce Model, introducing their company Debt to Wealth ( publicly for the first time.

We're introducing something simple and elegant that innately will protect and deliver real wealth freely for literally the first time in recorded human history.

Drew Piacine

Also speaking in support of blockchain advancements and impact on traditional commerce will be world-renowned Stan Larimer, BitShares founder; Girard Newkirk, clean energy/smart grid tokenization founder and Sean Worthington, quantum-resistant crypto pioneer — just to name a few.

The United Precious Metals Association (UPMA) will also share insight on using
precious metals to settle debts public and private with the convenience of debit cards. Precious metal names like Maya Gold, AMK, Utah’s Crystal Mining Contract, as well as state political figures are to be in attendance.

Marc R. Ward says, “The first place to start is silver in the precious metals. The financing of metal mines is broken. We present a new financial model to empower miners to get back mining without debt financing. And on a much greater scale manifest equitable distribution of positive energy across meaningful, needed commodities globally.” Ward continues, “When value can be distributed equitably we will no longer be taking wealth from our future generations. Enabling and distributing energy today to have available for our next generations futures will essentially reconstruct our communities while sending forward energy for communities tomorrow.”

Drew Piacine says, “We’re not re-inventing the wheel here. We’re creating a new one. We’re introducing something simple and elegant that innately will protect and deliver real wealth freely for literally the first time in recorded human history. And what is great is, by design, it’s an optional system that people can choose to use or not. This is the first spiral-up energy-positive commerce system people can opt-into and opt-out of. It’s not forced upon anyone nor manipulated like the singular global debt-based system everyone is negatively trapped into today.”

Stan Larimer says, “The only financial asset better than cryptocurrencies and precious metals is a real-time, industrial grade hybrid of the two.” Could it be that this meeting in the beautiful snow-capped mountains of Utah will be thought of in the future as the Jekyll Island of crypto-metal currencies, and the birthplace of honest money?

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Tags: BTC, commodities, Cryptocurrency, debt, precious metals


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