Crystalfontz Ships CFA910 Single Board Linux Computer With E Ink Vizplex Display

Crystalfontz America, a leading provider of display modules for embedded, handheld and rack-mount systems, announces the availability of its single board Linux computer with integrated E Ink Vizplex display.

Crystalfontz America, Inc. is pleased to announce the availability of their CFA910, an ARM based Single Board Computer (SBC) with E Ink Display running Linux OS. This new module uses E Ink Holding Corporation's Electrophoretic Display (EPD) technology to provide developers and OEMs with an easy to use e-paper platform.

With it's ultra-thin profile, Ethernet, USB and serial connectivity, super low energy consumption due to the zero power 6 inch diagonal E Ink display, and full programmability inherited from the open source Linux operating system, the CFA910 brings a new level of custom design capability for manufacturers and product designers in need of a high resolution, low power display.

Despite being the size of a vacation postcard, the CFA910 is a powerful computing device built with an ARM microprocessor, 128MB of DDR2 SDRAM and large capacity SD card storage. Crystalfontz has also turned the engineer's task of writing data to the E Ink display into easy lifting, with abstracted drivers and commands that save developers from having to learn the intricacies of the Broadsheet EPD controller language.

The CFA910 is availble with an optional touchscreen and expansion/development board.

Crystalfontz is a leading provider of display modules used in embedded, handheld, and rack-mount systems. To learn more about the
CFA910, see high resolution photos and get pricing, visit the Crystalfontz website at:


Tags: bistable, display, e-ink, linux, vizplex, zero power

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Brent Crosby
Press Contact, Crystalfontz America, Inc
Crystalfontz America, Inc
12412 E Saltese Av
Spokane, WA 99216-0357