CTPLO to Provide 24/7 Real-time China Trademark Q&A
Online, December 6, 2013 (Newswire.com) - Got a burning question about a Chinese trademark, and you need answers immediately? Try asking a Chinese trademark lawyer over at China Trademark and Patent Law Office.
The leading Chinese law firm specializing in trademark search, registration and representation is set to launch its customer-focused website with an enhanced user interface that allows for real-time chat time with Chinese legal experts in January 2014.
"Every trademark lawyer wants to immediately know if his or her client's trademark is still available for registration within a country of interest, especially in a country like China. We at CTPLO can provide that information with due diligence, performing an exhaustive search for existing Chinese trademarks, virtually and on-demand," states CTPLO CEO and Brand Manager Joe Shen.
With a record 1.648 million trademark applications filed in 2012 alone, China trademark applications have increased 16.3%, topping the world's trademark application count for the 11th consecutive year. This continued rise is attributed to the entry of more new global brands seeking trademark and patent protection for their products in the world's second largest economy.
For a country like China where a foreign trademark has to have an equivalent Chinese translation that may already be taken by local manufacturers and businesses, CTPLO's online trademark query can be extremely helpful. It saves time and money in potential trademark infringement litigation that may arise.
With CTPLO's brand new site, both US and European law firms can enlist the help of a native Chinese trademark expert through CTPLO's comprehensive range of legal services. And they need not wait for weeks or months to get word on their trademark searches as Chinese trademark experts will be on hand to work on their case, practically on demand.
"We have the native insight and knowledge of the different contexts where our client trademarks are applicable and enforceable. Ultimately, we save our clients the hassle of doing the search themselves and spare them from further pursuing dead ends and lost causes," Shen added.
Tags: Business law, Patent law, Trademark Law