Cultural Attraction Attendance Down 1.2% in 2011

Cultural attraction attendance decreased for the second consecutive year in 2011, according to Morey Group's newly released 2011 Cultural Attraction Attendance Trend Report detailing attendance, membership, and pricing trends in the

Cultural attraction attendance decreased for the second consecutive year in 2011, according to Morey Group's newly released 2011 Cultural Attraction Attendance Trend Report detailing attendance, membership, and pricing trends in the cultural attraction industry. This year's report is based on a survey of 206 cultural attractions - museums, zoos, aquariums, and botanical gardens - across the country.

Key findings:

• Total attendance decreased 1.2%, while general admission attendance - paid attendance excluding school groups and events - remained stable (increasing by one-tenth of one percent).

• Children's museums had the highest percentage increases in both total attendance and general admission attendance. Aquariums attendance remained relatively flat, while art museums, science centers, and zoos experienced attendance decreases.

• Attractions charging between $10 and $14.99 experienced the most significant decrease in total attendance (1.8%), followed by attractions charging less than $10 (1.4%). Total attendance for attractions charging $15 or more remained stable (+0.7%).

• Membership increased by 1.5%, which is likely due to the economic value a membership typically represents. Cultural attraction membership represented 2.7% of total attendance.

• Admission prices continue to grow at approximately 5% each year. The average adult admission cost was $12.20, up 4.7% from 2010. The average child admission cost was $8.46, up 5.1% from 2010.

"While the decrease in attendance is concerning, it is very positive to see revenue-generating attendance remaining steady after the decreases in 2010," said John Morey, President of Morey Group. "This stability is even more notable because admission prices increased almost 5%."

Morey Group is a national market research and consulting firm specializing in cultural attractions. The Cultural Attraction Attendance Trend Report is in its 14th year of publication. The report is provided to participants free of charge and is available for purchase at



Tags: admission., aquarium, attendance report, attendance trends, Botanical Garden, market research, membership, morey group, museum, museum attendance, zoo

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