Curtis Mock Rolls Out Upgrades to One of His Latest Fitness Marketing Ideas

Fitness marketing ideas don't have to be complicated to be effective. Curtis Mock's FitLeads service is based on the simple idea of getting the right message to the prospect at the right time. Upgrades announced last week make FitLeads even better.

Fitness marketing ideas can be all over the board in their creativity, but one of Curtis Mock's favorites is a pretty simple one. "Effective marketing is all about reaching a prospect with the right message in the right place at the right time," says Mock. "It doesn't have to be complicated - just help people when they need help. That's what we've done with FitLeads. New Mover Marketing."

The trick is to actually find the people that need your service, at the time that they need it. Mock's latest fitness marketing idea helps fitness businesses do just that, and Mock recently rolled out some upgrades to the FitLeads service that will help make it even more effective. FitLeads provides to clients a list of the 150 of the most recent people to relocate to the area immediately surrounding client locations. These new movers are looking to establish new homebases - new restaurants, new daycare, new doctors, and of course, new places to work out. "What better time is there to reach out and welcome them to the neighborhood, offering them a free place to work out for the next few weeks," Mock asks. "Then you wow them with great service and hospitality, and they can't help but join once their trial is over."

One upgrade to Mock's recent fitness marketing idea includes pin-point accuracy of the center point of the radius in the new system, which can be an improvement over zip-code specific targeting, since some zip codes look like they were drawn up by Pablo Picasso. Another upgrade includes new filters that manage to filter out anything of questionable deliverability - no more PO boxes, no more addresses without apartment numbers - only addresses that can be fully verified make it into this list. Finally, systems were put in place to make sure that all the leads are as fresh as possible, in many cases improving the freshness of the leads by up to two weeks.

"Most of our clients were getting good results before, but we always want to improve on all of our fitness marketing ideas," says Mock. "These latest upgrades should help all of our clients realize a much better return."

To learn more about FitLeads New Mover Marketing, visit or call 904-807-5950.


Tags: fitness marketing, fitness marketing ideas, personal trainer marketing

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