Custom Legal Marketing Wins WebAward and W3 Gold Award for the Sommers Schwartz Website

Law firm marketing agency Custom Legal Marketing is celebrating two big wins for the website they designed and developed for Sommers Schwartz.

Somers Schwartz Awards

Custom Legal Marketing has won two additional awards for the website they designed and developed for Sommers Schwartz, a prestigious litigation law firm based in Michigan.

Recently, Custom Legal Marketing's work was recognized with the Legal Standard of Excellence award from the Web Marketing Association's WebAwards. The Web Marketing Association's annual WebAward Competition has been setting the standard of excellence for website development since 1997.

The association only recognizes the best websites in their annual competition. Custom Legal Marketing has won WebAwards in the past and is honored to be recognized this year for the Sommers Schwartz Website.

Custom Legal Marketing also won a W3 Gold Award for The W3 competition is sanctioned and judged by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts, an invitation-only body consisting of top-tier professionals. AIVA members include executives from Foursquare, Comcast, Disney, Microsoft, Wired, and many others.

Only 10% of entries are awarded the prestigious Gold Award in the W3 competition.

The personal injury lawyers, medical malpractice attorneys, birth injury lawyers, and employee rights attorneys of Sommers Schwartz have won over $1 billion for their clients.

Custom Legal Marketing is a law firm marketing and SEO agency that commits to just one client in each market and has been helping lawyers build bigger law firms through digital marketing since 2005.

To learn more about Sommers Schwartz, visit

To learn more about Custom Legal Marketing, visit

Source: Custom Legal Marketing


Tags: law firm marketing, law firm seo agency, legal marketing company

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Law firm marketing company that commits to one law firm per practice area in each region.

Custom Legal Marketing
1111 Kearny Street
San Francisco, CA 94133
United States