Custom Stickers: New Blog Showcases Innovative Businesses Marketing with Custom Stickers

A new blog by Custom Sticker Makers features innovative businesses using custom stickers to make a name for themselves in unusual ways.

Amid the economic recession, cost-effective custom stickers are an increasingly popular way to market a business. But what are the best ways to use custom stickers? And what's the best way to put them to work within the context of an overall marketing plan?

A new blog by Custom Stickers Makers offers insight into the most effective ways to use this versatile marketing tool. Featuring real-life profiles of innovative businesses using custom stickers to promote their products and service while building buzz for a brand, the blog is now online at

The idea behind the unusual URL is all about "building buzz." Posts feature profiles of businesses using custom stickers to get people talking about their products and services-while offering those businesses a chance to reach an even larger audience by being featured.

In this blog, readers will discover businesses using custom stickers at trade-shows and conventions, as giveaways with purchases, as mindfulness reminders, in the context of guerilla marketing and more-offering real world examples of successful promotional strategies for a wide range of different business concepts in action.

As marketing budgets shrink, small businesses are increasingly looking for ways to cost-effective ways to reach their customers. Custom stickers fit that niche, but only for those who understand how to put them to work-and what works for one business will not necessarily work for another.

This blog offers concrete, real-life examples of marketing strategies successfully utilizing custom stickers, many of which have helped unknown start-ups make a name for themselves locally and nationally.

"Custom stickers are what we do," said Jeff Daverman, Custom Sticker Makers founder and CEO, "but we learn new things from our customers every day. This blog is a chance to showcase some amazing entrepreneurs using custom stickers in their marketing." He adds that the blog is constantly seeking out entrepreneurs using stickers in new and unusual ways.

Businesses slated to be featured on the blog run the gamut from cake decorators to furniture designers, energy-drink manufacturers to purveyors of information for snowboard enthusiasts. Businesses were chosen based on their unique use of custom stickers as well as their success.


Tags: custom stickers, guerilla marketing, small business start-up

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Gillian James
Press Contact, Custom Sticker Makers
Custom Sticker Makers
PO Box 3590
Prescott, AZ