CUTV News Welcomes Female Leadership Expert René Murata of CEO Essence

SPRING, Texas, March 20, 2019 ( - René Murata of CEO Essence joins host Doug Llewelyn to discuss female leadership on CUTV News.
René Murata is a true facilitator in every sense of the word, motivated to use her various talents to help others. The founder and CEO of both RISK Inc., a successful process safety consulting firm, and CEO Essence, a coaching practice for emerging women business leaders. René is as committed to protecting workers and the environment as she is helping the next generation of women develop their leadership “voice” with CEO Essence.
Recognizing that the number of top seats at the table available to women is extremely limited, René is dedicated to promoting conversation around feminine leadership. As one of America's highly regarded female executives and executive coaches, René utilizes her extensive experience in the corporate arena to help others, especially women, ascend the corporate ladder.
“As a female business owner in a male-dominated environment, I've had to learn a few things about how to successfully navigate that world,” says René. “I have come to know and understand that feminine leadership is something that is often not appreciated, understood or even encouraged. CEO Essence is designed to help women understand what female leadership is and embrace it for themselves.”
Statistics show that society believes a tall, white man is more likely to become a successful leader than any other demographic. However, studies show that companies that have women serving in a leadership capacity are 40 percent more likely to be successful.
“There is a strong belief that for a leader to be successful, they need to be emotionless, however, women are emotional creatures,” says René. “While I agree that uncontrolled emotion doesn't belong in the business world, I do believe that if you learn to harness your emotion, tap into it and utilize it, your leadership can then come from a more authentic place. It can then be used to motivate and move people in a forward direction.”
According to René, feminine leadership is leadership with compassion, with emotion, with energy and with heart.
“Recognizing that I can shift my energy from fear into what I call my heart space area, I can speak authentically, forcefully, with energy, with emotion and with strength.” Says René. “So, emotion is not a bad thing in the business world. In fact, women are at an advantage when they understand how to utilize their emotions.”
CEO Essence is about embracing our essence of who we are as women to speak with our true voice. Through training videos and coaching, René’s CEO Essence program guides her clients to help build their confidence to improve their communication skills and decision-making.
For more information on CEO Essence, visit
Source: CUTV News
Tags: authenticity, CEO Essence, communication skills, confidence, decision-making, emerging women business leader, female leadership