Daily Webmaster Tips Your key to success in internet marketing

Hi All I am Ravi from India and working from last 5 years on Internet marketing.This blog is here to share my experience to all fellow webmaster and affiliate marketer to earn and learn from internet.

Hi All I am Ravi from India and working from last 5 years on Internet marketing.This blog is here to share my experience to all fellow webmaster and affiliate marketer to earn and learn from internet.I have spend almost 5 years on Affiliate marketing and finally decided to share my experience so as to help other to have good living with internet.I am going to share 1 tips per day to add value for your site.Also it is the responsiblity of every webmaster to replicate it and keep on transferring knowledge.I am working as a software Engineer as a profession and love to help webmaster in every possible way.

I tried my best to include all my evergreen article to get you aware about latest tool and technique.If you want to be a better webmaster and affiliate marketer,just come to my blog and get all latest tools. some of the article are:

Effective Methods For Website Promotion:

Internet marketing strategies for a website promotion should have more options than one. Since there is a lot of competition on the web, you should make sure that your marketing is strong and effective enough to meet your online competitors. You should implement various methods to draw your target visitors to your website. Internet marketing of a website involves a strong strategy, patience, different kinds of advertising and applications, etc.

There are various paths one could include in... a successful marketing campaign:

Submit your site to major search engines - This is the first thing to do when you have finished preparing your website for marketing. You could submit your site to search engines free of cost through free services or for a fee. Before you submit your site to search engines, make sure your website pages link properly. Some of the major, popular search engines are Yahoo, Google, MSN, Alta Vista, etc. Your page rank increases with search engines upon proper use of links and keywords or key phrases.

Make optimum use of keywords - When a customer looks for information on the Internet, he types in a keyword or keyword phrase in the search box of a search engine. Your keyword should coincide with this keyword if your website is providing a service or a product online. It is more like a telephone directory. How do people look for a particular business in a telephone directory? Doctors would be listed under a doctor's category, lawyers under lawyers' category, etc. In this same way, your website business should use keywords that match the category for which your target customer is searching for. The search engine could then search the web and show your website along with many others in the same category. You could use the keyword tool online. This tool contains a data on number of searches done for a particular keyword during a particular period. Based on the number of searches you could pick your keywords.

Build links - Linking to other websites increases traffic that in turn floods your website. You should link your website to another one which contains same information or content. Trade links are mutually beneficial to linking websites most especially if those sites share relevant content.

Use video advertising - If you are a new Internet marketer, it does not matter. You could create video advertisements for your site at a low cost and make good profits. Make sure to promote your products through video advertising on video blogs and other sites that allow you to place your videos. Unique content and useful information tend to bring in a lot of customers instantly to your website.

Whichever path you take in to advertise your website for, it is important to retain your customers once they come in to see your site. Use online forms to capture their email address, follow up with emails for future promotions, offer them freebies if they sign up for a newsletter or guestbook, etc.

These are the most common promotional strategies for a website. Many have treaded this path to success so you could also do the same with confidence

Read vital knowledge about one way links - please read the web page. The times have come when concise info is really within one click, use this possibility.

How Spammers Fool Spam Blacklists - And How To Stop Them:

Effectively stopping spam over the long-term requires much more than blocking individual IP addresses and creating rules based on keywords that spammers typically use. The increasing sophistication of spam tools coupled with the increasing number of spammers in the wild has created a hyper-evolution in the variety and volume of spam.

The old ways of blocking the bad guys just don't work anymore. Examining spam and spam-blocking technology can illuminate how this... evolution is taking place and what can be done to combat spam and reclaim e-mail as the efficient, effective communication tool it was intended to be. One method used to combat spam is blacklisting. The goal of blacklisting is to force Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to crack-down on customers who send spam. A blacklisted ISP is blocked from sending email to organizations. When an ISP is blacklisted, they are provided with a list of actions they must take in order to be removed from the blacklist. This controversial method blocks not just the spammers, but all of the ISP's customers. Blacklisting is generally considered an unfriendly approach to stopping spam because the users most affected by the blacklist are email users who do not send spam. Many argue blacklisting actually damages the uti

lity of email more than it helps stop spam since the potential for blocking legitimate email is so high. In addition to the ethical considerations, there are other problems with blacklists. Many blacklists are not updated frequently enough to maintain effectiveness. Some blacklist administrators are irresponsible in that they immediately block suspect servers without thoroughly investigating complaints or giving the ISP time to respond. Another downside is that blacklists are not accurate enough to catch all spam. Only about half of servers used by spammers, regardless of how diligent the blacklist administrator may be, are ever cataloged in a given blacklist.

Blacklists are used because they can be partially effective against spammers who repeatedly use the same ISP or email account to send spam. However, because spammers often change ISPs, re-route email and hijack legitimate servers, the spammer is a moving target. Blacklist administrators are forced to constantly revise lists, and the lag-time between when a spammer begins using a given server and when the blacklist administrator is able to identify the new spam source and add it to the blacklist allows spammers to send hundreds of millions of emails. Spammers consider this constant state of flux a part of doing business and are constantly looking for new servers to send spam messages. When used individually, each anti-spam technique has been systematically overcome by spammers.

Blacklists have some utility in stopping known spammers, but they may also block valid emails. Because of their limitations, blacklist data should only be used in conjunction with other sources to determine if a given message is spam. Grandiose plans to rid the world of spam, such as charging a penny for each e-mail received or forcing servers to solve mathematical problems before delivering e-mail, have been proposed with few results. These schemes are not realistic and would require a large percentage of the population to adopt the same anti-spam method in order to be effective. The Solution Reputation systems offer a comprehensive anti spam solution by dynamically updating black and whitelists based on sender behavior. These systems also automatically update and score messages thereby removing the burden from administrators. Today's spammers are more clever than ever, so today's reputation systems must be equally sophisticated. An effective reputation system must be dynamic, comprehensive, precise, and based on actual enterprise mail traffic in order to keep the spammers from gaining any advantage. You can learn more about the fight against spam by visiting our website at www.ciphertrust.com and downloading our whitepapers.

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Tags: earn money, internet marketing, webmaster

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