Darain Atkinson Does Lots Of Good Things, But People Forget It.
Online, September 12, 2009 (Newswire.com) - Darain is involved with a number of charitable causes and believes that giving back to people in need is a responsibility he takes seriously. One of the groups Darain actively supports is called Autism
Speaks. Autism Speaks is a not-for-profit organization committed to funding global biomedical research into the causes, prevention, treatments, and cure for autism; to raising public awareness about autism and
its effects on individuals, families, and society; and to bringing hope to all who deal with the hardships of this disorder. www.autismspeaks.org
Since the launch of SeedaNeed.com Darain Atkinson has been a key contributor of the program. He has a vision to see good things happening to everyone, and he saw great potential in this cause. Not only is he a
key contributor of the program but he is a key participant. In a recent interview we have learned that Darain is a great giver in day to day activities and that is why his giving to SeedaNeed is so important to him.
Darain is also involved in a group called Volunteers Impact Prosperity (VIP), America's first nationally standardized web based system to count individual and group volunteer hours. "Volunteering is not only
good for the economy; it has even more personal benefits for the volunteer." said Darain Atkinson, VIP member and supporter. The mission of Volunteers Impact Prosperity (VIP) is to increase the quantity by
improving the quality of the volunteer experience through its 'Best Volunteer Practices' program. www.vipenews.com
For more information on Darain Atkinson and the many good things he does, visit his site at http://www.darainatkinsononline.com
Tags: Atkinson, Darain, Darain Atkinson, Darain Atkinson helps non-profit, Darain Atkinson honest person, Honest Darain