Datatel IVR Payments Customer Adoption Study

The Datatel IVR Payments Customer Adoption Study looks at how customers bill payment behavior evolved over the course of a year when presented with the option to make payments by phone interacting with an automated customer self-service option or by speaking with a live person.

Datatel IVR Payments Customer Adoption Study

Datatel Communications Inc.(Datatel Inc. in Canada), a leader in IVR Payments, Payment Technology, and transaction automation solutions, released the results of a yearlong study focusing on IVR Payments and impact on customers bill payment choices. The study tracked customer adoption of various telephone payment options which include Customer Self-Service phone payments and Payments assisted by Live Agents.  

The study, entitled IVR Payments Customer Adoption Study, looks at how customers' bill payment behavior changed when presented with various payment options and its adoption over time. 

The study results reveal that customer preferences for phone-based bill-paying methodology appeared to undergo a significant transformation. The study provides businesses with meaningful data to help them drive business decisions focused on offering customers alternative payment options. 

A complete overview of the study and findings can be found here 

About Datatel 

Twenty-four years ago we launched Datatel with the vision to deliver innovative payment software and secure voice communication solutions to help our clients become more agile, profitable, secure, and successful.

Datatel’s IVR Payments, Payment Technology, and transaction automation solutions are employed globally by thousands of businesses, healthcare providers, academic institutions, government, software companies, and service providers. 

Our success comes from investing in our people, our customers, our partners, and technology. With a focus on innovation, we have arrived at a service delivery model that guarantees our customers’ satisfaction. 

Source: Datatel Communications Inc/Datatel Inc. in Canada


Tags: IVR Credit Card Payment, IVR Payments, PCI compliance credit card over phone, What is IVR Payment

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