David Datuna - world award and star delivery «ARS Longa»

David Datuna, having inform about award to you of the world award and star delivery «ARS Longa» (Art is eternal).

Dear David Datuna!

The world Alliance "Peacemaker" has noted your invaluable contribution in the field of art, development of innovative style of creativity. Your activity connected with revival and strengthening of a cultural contact, an exchange of cultural experience between the states is very important for all worlds.
The program of activity of the World Alliance has got in Russia support of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, Federal meeting of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture and mass communications of the Russian Federation, Trade-union committee of Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, the Union of Cinematographers of Russia, Olympic Committee of Russia, the Moscow Municipal Duma and the Government of Moscow, Federation of the world and the consent, Welfare fund of support of culture and art «Transformation Light». From outside the international community, the program is supported by the most authoritative and influential organizations in the field of world cinema, such as Motion Pictures Association of America (MPAA) - Association of Film manufacturers of America and Screen Actors Guild (SAG) - Guild of Actors of Cinema of the USA.
Ideas Peacemaker and charities are divided with us by world famous people, many of which have been noted by our awards. Among them Michael Gorbachev, Quentin Tarantino ,Michael Douglas, Anatoly Karpov, Eric Roberts ,Adrian Paul, Vyacheslav Polunin, Johnny Depp, Michael York, Michael Madsen, Zurab Tsereteli, Jury Antonov, Leo Bokeria, Mark Zakharov, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Valery Gazzaev, Alexander Karelin, Larisa Dolina,
David Datuna, having considered the information on your activity in the field of social interaction and in view of your exclusive contribution to dialogue of cultures and art, we have honor to inform about award to you of the world award and star delivery «ARS Longa» (Art is eternal).
With all my heart we congratulate you on this well-deserved reward and we wish you inexhaustible energy and the further successes in your noble and creative activity directed on formation and prosperity of mankind.
"Pax Tecum - the World with you"! Is a short saying became the motto of the World Charitable Alliance "Peacemaker". Carrying out the noble mission, participants of Movement are convinced every day of inexhaustible depth of these words.

Yours faithfully the Secretary general
"The world alliance the Peacemaker"
Yury Safronov


Tags: art, award, contemporary, Datuna, David, installation, star, world

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