David Merkatz Files Strong & Abrupt Response to Florida Attorney General Civil Suit

It was discovered today that David Merkatz, Bestselling Author of the new book, " WRONGLY CHARGED: A LOOK AT THE LEGAL SYSTEM", filed a strong and abrupt response to the Florida Attorney General's civil lawsuit (#CACE-15-017045). Merkatz states that the Florida Attorney General waited over a year and a half to file this lawsuit as a direct result of his bestselling book being released.

Merkatz has appeared on over 75 radio shows promoting his book which details his criminal case in which he and two other fellow Locksmiths were "Wrongly Charged" with criminal charges. The book also includes a complete outline on the criminal justice system. In June 2015, his book made #1 on Amazon Best Sellers List.

Over one and a half years after his criminal case ended in which he pleaded guilty to Misdemeanor petty theft charges and paid restitution to six people, the Florida Attorney General decided to file a civil suit and wants a civil penalty for the same six victims. Merkatz said, "In filing of his answer, he stated that the state of Florida introduced a Bill that addressed how Locksmiths need to be licensed and follow the guidelines for the trade.” However, the bill never passed and currently Locksmiths are not licensed or governed in any way. Now with the state with no laws in place, the state wants to "Legislate" how Locksmiths operate. According to Merkatz, while the states have unlimited funds to prosecute defendants, the average person runs out of money to take a case to trial. He goes on to say that even if a person is found not guilty at a trial, the defendant never can recover the money spent to clear himself. He stated that he is currently, with help of others, trying to get a "Bill" introduced to change that labeled "The Merkatz Wrongful Compensation Act". This bill if put into law would "Level the playing field" and reimburse people whose criminal charges are dismissed or if they are found not guilty of all charges at a trial.

In an interview with Merkatz, he stated the following: “I am being targeted by the state of Florida because I tell all of the "wrong" that occurred in the arrests, and how the town of Palm Beach Florida wasted taxpayer money on 3 arrests in an 8 month investigation, which resulted in most if not all charges being dismissed.”

Merkatz is currently working on his second updated edition "WRONGLY CHARGED II" which will now include a monthly subscription to his network of sources that will help other victims of people that are "Wrongly Charged".

He also said in the interview that he will not settle this case and will defend it to the Florida Supreme Court if necessary. He plans to have all media present at all court hearings. His current book is available at Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, and Books a Million and has a 5 star rating.



Media Contact    
Tom Burke
(844) 976-6459


Tags: attorney general, civil suit, david merkatz, false arrest, false charges, falsely accused, legal news, merkatz, wrongly charged

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