(DCPS) Francis Stevens Education Campus Acknowledges Several Of Its Students In Newly Published Book

826DC and Francis Stevens Education Campus will host an official book signing to honor and congratulate students for their great achievement and welcomes the community to participate in the event on May 2, 2011

Participating in a country-wide writing workshop in conjunction with 826National and 826DC, a nonprofit tutoring, writing, and publishing organization that is committed to supporting teachers and publishing student work, eleven students from Francis Steven Education Campus were randomly selected to have their letters and artworks featured in the recently published book, "I Live Real Close To Where You Used To Live Kids': Letters to Michelle Obama (and to Sasha, Malia, & Bo)."

"Being able to be the one to tell parent's that their children were selected for a national publication and to see the looks of surprise and admiration on their faces makes all the difficult work and long hours worthwhile. We focus so much on test scores, that we often kick creativity to the curb. It is vital that we encourage projects that build awareness throughout the community, and that our students should be praised for more than just their academic intelligence and prowess." says Thomas Canavan, Francis Stevens Education Campus Out of School Time (OST), Afterschool Program Coordinator, who facilitated the writing workshop with the Francis Stevens students and 826DC.

826DC and the school will host an official book signing to honor and congratulate students on May 2, 2011; Sarih Anderson, Neshawn Belt, Cameron Butler, Saudia Campbell, Thalia Flores, Desani Grant, Kelsi A. Gross, Melvin Holloway III, Kendra Lowery, Donovan McCoy, and Dayton Woodson for their great achievement and welcomes the community to participate in the event.

"Organizations like 826 National, take students' creativity and show them that they can be proud of it; and encourage them that there are multiple forms of intelligence; and that no test score, chart or graph can take that away." Canavan adds.

Copies of "I Live Real Close To Where You Used To Live Kids': Letters to Michelle Obama (and to Sasha, Malia, & Bo)," featuring the students' works are available for purchase. Proceeds will go to the 826DC and FSEC OST Programs. Francis Stevens Education Campus will fund additional parent-engagement programs like Back to After School Night, Early Stages Pizza Party and Easter Egg Hunt.

For more information on 826DC and their programs visit www.826DC.org.

For more information on the book signing, contact Desiree McCoy at 202-421-8709 or email [email protected].

Francis-Stevens Education Campus serves grades PK-8 in the District of Columbia Public Schools and excels in moral standards that help children reach their fullest potential.


Tags: 826DC, authors, booksigning, DC, dcps, Education, First Lady, history, local, Obama, public school, reading, students

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Desiree McCoy
Press Contact, Francis Stevens Education Campus
Francis Stevens Education Campus
2425 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037